Chapter Ten-Secrets; to Tell or Not to Tell?

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While I wish I could go back and check on Sirius, Peter, and Remus, I know I can't leave James' side. When Madam Pomfrey comes in she doesn't ask what happened, only where he's hurt. Honestly, she looks more surprised at me being there than James.

"This is very good work, Miss Ackley. Perhaps I'll have you help out more often." She compliments and I perk up at the sound of my name.

"Thanks. Uh, may I ask how you know my name?" I didn't think I'd caused trouble enough to be well known yet. She answers as she continues looking at James' shoulder.

"Professor McGonagall was speaking about you the other day. She was impressed with your skill in Transfiguration. I believe she's hoping you'll join the Quidditch team, as well." My eyes widen a little and I feel intensely flattered that she's been talking about me with the other teachers. "Professor Slughorn was also impressed. And Professor Flitwick. If your work in all those classes is as good as this, then I understand." Madam Pomfrey eyes the pink scars happily before pulling me away from James.

"Wait..." I resist but stop when she pulls out her wand.

"You have a large gash on your shoulder blade, dear." She tells me and I crane my neck and just manage to see a smear of red all over it.

"Oh. I can't even feel that." I remark, surprised. Madam Pomfrey slices through the strap of my tank top and goes to work.

"That's most likely the adrenaline." She tells me and I nod, watching James as she heals me. "Oh..." She trails off and I stiffen when her cold hand skims over old scars on my back.

"Don't worry about those," I tell her without emotion and she doesn't say any more about them. When she's done, I tuck in the blood-soaked straps and sit with James again, clutching his hand tight. Madam Pomfrey walks away and leaves me alone with James once again. The sun is steadily on the rise, so I duck out and fill a plate with food from the kitchens. Peter told me the other day how to get in, although I got lost a couple of times trying to find the portrait. James is still asleep when I get back, so I set his breakfast aside until he wakes up. Fortunately, it doesn't take long.

"Mm, I smell bacon." Of course, his mouth would open before his eyes, but I'm relieved all the same.

"Fucking finally." I breathe as he sits up on his own, glancing at his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"You couldn't have left me with some cooler scars, Mane?" James questions and I nearly throw his food at him. Instead, I lay it on his lap.

"Don't start. You're lucky I was bloody there, you moron." I scold, throwing a napkin at his face for good measure.

"Right, you know, about that..." He starts with worried eyes on me. I nod slowly and take a deep breath. I've had to do a lot of thinking while he was asleep.

"I think we can be trusted to keep each other's secrets, right? The others too." I tell him quietly, but sincerely, staring James in his nice hazel eyes. "Prongs," I add, smiling. After he considers me for a couple of moments, he nods.

"I'm actually still having a tough time believing it. You. An animagus." He whispers with a smile and starts eating. "And you couldn't have possibly gotten a cooler one." This is said with a little wistfulness and I almost laugh.

"Trust me, it was a big surprise when I changed into a bloody lioness. But I'm still surprised about all of you. And Remus..." Suddenly his sudden sickness lately makes sense.

"Don't pity him," James says after swallowing some of his biscuit. I meet his hazel eyes and am shocked by the seriousness in them. I don't think I've ever seen him so serious. "He's the same bloke, just with a fuzzy little problem that pops up every month. Not unlike a woman." And there's the joke. I smile and nod.

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