Chapter Nine-Interested Party

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^^^This is Garrett. ;)

I wake at five, fixing my hair and changing into normal clothes before rushing down to dinner. I choose a red and yellow sweater I got from Madam Malkin's Robes and my one good pair of jeans. God, I need more clothes. The reason I can change is because Astronomy is after and the teacher sent a note saying we could dress for the weather instead of in our uniforms. Thank goodness. "Oi, Mane!" James calls and waves me over. My hand slides over Lily and Marlene's shoulders before walking down and sliding into the spot next to him. "Did you have a nice kip?" He asks with an affectionate brush of a finger across my cheek. My brows furrow and I look to a smiling Remus.

"You've got a pillow mark just there." He points to where James just touched. I sigh. There's no helping that.

"Don't worry about that, love," Sirius says and slides into his spot next to me. "Still look fetching." He winks and I roll my eyes. At least he's over whatever weirdness came over him earlier.

"I assume you all are looking forward to tonight's astronomy lesson?" I ask and they all gain questioning looks. "Less light so more mischief to go unseen." The confusion instantly clears.

"Ah Mane, I one day hope to have a woman that understands me like you do for a wife."

"I'm not sure how your mother would feel about such a proposition." I shoot back and the table laughs, including James.

"And a mouth that's just as sharp. Damn." He praises me before going back to eating.

"Moony is really looking forward to it, aren't you?" Sirius asks with a twinkling in his eyes.

"Well, you could say the moon and I draw a bit of wildness from one another." He responds wryly. I dismiss it with a shake of my head.

"You're welcome to sit with me, Remus. I doubt your group is packing a blanket." He nods in thanks as the rest of his posse looks to each other with wide eyes.

"A blanket. Brilliant. Are we all invited to cuddle? Moony isn't the only one who is proficient even though his cozy sweaters make him prime real estate." Remus lets out a heavy sigh at James's observation, but James only smirks.

"It's not cuddling, it's keeping warm so we can focus on the lesson." I insist.

"Well, you know the best way to keep warm is to strip naked and cuddle." Sirius nearly makes me jump when he whispers in my ear.

"Yes, so what exactly are you suggesting, Mane? We're respectful young men." James combats in my other ear as I stare at Remus with a helpless expression and red cheeks.

"You trying to take advantage of our giving nature?" Sirius finishes as I extend both my arms out to the sides to keep them both away from me.

"I don't know how you put up with them all the time, Remus," I tell him as Peter giggles next to him. I'm spared for a few moments as they're distracted by their own food and manage to eat my meal. Then I leave all my friends behind and head to the field where we're having Astronomy class. Usually, it's in the Astronomy Tower, but I suppose we'll learn why it's not later. The sun is setting and the field provides a breathtaking view of the sky. I lay out one blanket, then take out another and wrap it around me. It's already getting a little chilly. Just as I've settled down, I jump out of my skin at an appreciative hum. My wand is out and pointed to the person before I've recognized them.

"Blimey, you're quite the quick draw," Garrett says with his hands up in surrender. I instantly lower my wand with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I breathe as he comes closer. His head shakes with a crooked smile on his face.

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