Chapter Nineteen-It's Not a Party Without Someone Crashing It

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"Sirius? How did you get in here?" I ask and to be honest I'm shocked I can speak. He shrugs with a wide grin and slides my hand off Garrett's shoulder and into his hand.

"I have my ways. You don't mind, Fenway?" He asks sharply and I look apologetically to Garrett.

"I'll find you soon," I assure him and he nods, giving Sirius a look before retreating. Sirius and I dance in the same way but he tugs me a bit tighter to him.

"I can't believe you snuck into this party," I tell him incredulously. "Why?" Sirius shrugs.

"Prongs was getting nervous about Evans and her date. Thought we'd swing by."

"James is here too?" I ask and he tilts his head. Of course, James has already found Lily and she's hissing at him while Severus smirks in the background. I sigh and shake my head. "She's not even on a date. Creary is just a friend."

"And Fenway?" He asks and my eyes return to his moonlight ones. My face gets hot and his hands tighten a bit on my waist. Guess that was answer enough. "More than friendly." His voice is low and a prickling wiggles up my spine at the tone.

"We are just friends right now, Sirius, what's going on with you?" I ask worriedly and there's a tug in my gut when he holds me even closer.

"What if I said I didn't want you to be more than friends with him?" He asks and my brows furrow.

"W-why? Is something wrong with him?" Sirius sighs and shakes his head.

"He is a Slytherin." He points out and I scoff, the fuzzy feeling in my stomach fading.

"Didn't think you'd be one to house shame, Sirius." I start getting a little offended. What is with him?

"I'm not, it's just I think I know Slytherin a bit better than you do. I mean, does he even know you're a muggle-born?" We stop swaying and my arms fall to his biceps.

"Why, is there something wrong with that?" His head instantly shakes.

"Not to me." He insists and I can't help my heart beating faster when his head bows closer to mine. "But to him?"

My head shakes to clear it a bit. "Yeah, he knows. And I think I can decide for myself who I want to be friends with and who I don't. Now, let me go." I demand and his grip loosens, but he doesn't release me.

"What about your parents? Your scars? Would he accept you?" He asks and now I shove him off.

"I choose what I share and when I share it. Back the fuck off, Sirius." I demand and we standoff for a moment with our eyes burning into one another's.

"Hey, is everything alright over here?" Garrett asks and rests a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, Garrett, I'm sorry-"

"We can settle things for ourselves, thanks Fenway." Sirius steps forward and swipes his hand off me only for me to step between the two.

"Back off." I hiss at him as his bright eyes land on me in surprise and the party around us quiets.

"Mr. Black? I don't think you had permission to enter this party." Slughorn ambles over.

"He was just leaving, professor," I tell him, but don't look away from Sirius. The young man huffs and stomps out, James slipping out just after him. I turn to Garrett with a million apologies on my lips. "I am so, so sorry." I breathe as his head shakes.

"It's not your fault, don't worry about it." He says instantly and takes my hand off his to just hold it instead. "Come on, I have something that'll make you smile." Garrett tugs me over to the spot by the window near the hors d'oeuvres. "I slipped a candy into one of the truffles that will make them sound like an elephant when they talk." Garrett entertains me and brings a smile back to my face, but my heart isn't in it anymore. He's very gracious when Lily and I have to bow out and walks us to the stairs. We take our time heading back to the common room.

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