Chapter Three-Belonging

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"Aren't you going to change into your robes?" Lily asks as she slips on her own. We're nearly to the station and I've got to admit I'm more nervous than I thought I'd be. My head nods as I pull down the blinds for her and lock the door. I take a deep breath and change, keeping my clothes on as long as possible before switching into the plain black ones. I'm not looking at Lily when she notices the ugly scars positively stitching my skin together on my back, but I feel the air change. We sit down again and her eyes are on me as I look out the window.

"Don't mention those to anyone either. Please." My eyes flick to hers as she nods.

"You're a transfer, aren't you? That's why no one knows anything about you, I haven't seen you, and your robes are blank?" She changes the subject.

"Yeah. Fifth-year, last two years at two different schools, so here's hoping this one sticks."

"I'd say. I'd hate to lose a friend to another school." She winks at me as we slip out of the train and head down the lamplit sidewalk. We're nearly last, but the funny group of boys from earlier is just behind us. One is pushed out and stumbles ungracefully onto his feet, then the rest follow in a heap of giggles. Lily sighs and rolls her eyes, but she has a little smile on her face.

"You know them?" I ask and she nods.

"The one with long hair is Sirius Black. Flirty, but really very sweet and loyal once he's your friend. The smallest one is Peter Pettigrew, very sweet and thoughtful but has trouble thinking for himself sometimes. The one with the crazy gold waves is Remus. Brilliant, quick, and probably the easiest to get along with." Her voice takes on a little sharper tone as she continues, and it's a little fonder, although I don't think it is on purpose. "Then there's James Potter. An idiot with a penchant for trouble despite getting high marks. Quidditch fanatic, prank extraordinaire, and an absolute pain in my arse." I smile at the end and glance back at the group shoving each other around.

"Sounds interesting," I remark as she interlocks our arms. She sighs.

"You don't know the half of it."

"Oi, Evans!" One of the boys calls out and Lily rolls her eyes with a fond smile. We slow slightly so they can catch up. Sirius sidles up to her and pecks her cheek with Remus to his left while James pauses next to me with Peter by his side.

"Thanks for the Queen CD's, red." Sirius bids her and she nods before he looks over at me.

"Seems you've gained the favor of our overlord, Mane." James teases me with his eyes steady on Lily's bright green. "Maybe you could convince her to extend a bit more favor our way?" He teases and Lily shakes her head.

"I think you all have gained all the favor you're going to," Remus responds with a soft, entertained smile. "Good to see you, Lily."

"You too, Remus. I've missed hanging out with you in the library." She returns and Sirius sighs with disdain.

"Easy for you to say, Moony, you're her favorite," James says and Sirius reaches over to mess with Remus' hair.

"What's Mane?" I ask and Sirius' eyes sparkle.

"Told you your mane could contend with mine," James says as he playfully sways into me.

"And I begrudgingly agreed, then Moony, then Peter, so we've named you Mane. The one superior hair wielder." Sirius finishes and I laugh lightly at the silliness of it. "We've decided we like you very much and you can hang out with us whenever you want."

"And I suppose she should be grateful for that," Lily asks and the boys groan.

"Come on, Lils, we're just being nice. You like it when we're nice." James tells her and she shrugs, giving in with a tiny smile.

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