Chapter Twenty-Potions

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After telling Lily what happened last night, she forgives Sirius, but James is still on the outs. Two weeks pass with them barely speaking. I'm tempted to think there's a bit more going on than just her being angry at him for the party. I think she's mad at herself for liking him so much. Either way, both of them are my friends and even though they're arguing I'm glad to be able to hang out with all my boys again. Even though when Sirius and I are close together we both get fidgety and I blush a lot and feel kind of weird in my stomach, so I'll usually shove one of the other boys between us.

"Potions, come on, you two! We'll miss you too much if you leave now!" James groans as Remus and I rise from under the birch tree.

"James, you're acting like a toddler." I scold and drape my bag across my shoulders. It's November now and the cold has finally arrived to stay. It's refreshing, but also means we have to wear goggles during Quidditch. Not cute.

"Then you'll have to give into me, lest I cry." He fake pouts and I laugh.

"Nope. That's bad parenting. I'll leave you with your siblings." I wink to Sirius and Peter before heading up the hill with Remus. He'd been getting weaker this week and I often find myself fiddling with my changing moon charm. It's growing now. "How are you?" I ask gently and he glances over at me.

"Bit sickly, I suppose." He teases and I smile when he does. "The week before is always the worst." My friend shrugs before an interest alights in his eyes. "How does it feel for you? To change, I mean." His voice is low and quiet to avoid detection.

"The change? Or me once it's over?"


I press my lips together to think as we walk through the castle. "Well, the change is easier now. When I first started it hurt, but now there's just an ache until either body settles in itself. After the change...I guess there's a choice. Choose to let your human mind take a back seat to the animal, or wield the animal." I tell him and he nods interestedly.

"And which do you choose?" He asks and I shrug.

"Depends on the situation. If there's danger I let the animal side take over because instincts usually know better defense than my panicked brain. Or if I just need time to not think, I'll let her just quiet my mind. Otherwise, I like to be me."

"Yes...I can see how that would be nice." His voice is quieter, but more from sadness than trying to stay undetected. I reach over and take his hand. His eyes raise to mine and he smiles, then squeezes sweetly. "So, what's going on with you and Sirius? It's been a bit weird between you two since the party." I actually stumble my own feet when he asks that and let go of his hand to fluff my hair.

"No, nothing's going on. I mean, we're fine. I mean, we're just friends." I answer while Remus stares at me skeptically.

"Okay. You are a terrible liar, but okay." He chuckles as we head into the potion's classroom. He walks over and sits with Lily as I settle at my usual table.

"It's a miracle and a travesty that no one has sat here yet." Garrett's voice drifts over as he stands in front of the stool. "May I?" I nod while setting my books and cauldron up on the table. We're quiet as my brain whirs restlessly. I like Garrett, I truly do, but my mind is too often on Sirius to entertain him of late. "Everything alright?" Garrett asks and I blink.

"Right, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." I tell him a half-truth before Professor Slughorn comes in.

"Alright students! We've got a very special class today. No brewing, so put your cauldrons away and just take out parchment and quills!" We all obey and I'll admit he has me curious. He walks to the back of the class and wheels out a long table covered in cauldrons to the front of the class. "Everyone up. Up, up, up!" He waves us all forward and I look to Garrett questioningly before following his orders. Severus, Lily, Remus, me and Garrett are in the front and Slughorn looks very pleased to see us there. Well, Lily, Severus, and I anyway. Slughorn claps excitedly and we all flinch.

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