Chapter Sixteen-The Game

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"Keep it clean!" She commands as she lifts the quaffle up and all the players take a breath, then she throws it and the game is on. James is lucky enough to be the first to get the ball and he speeds away with it in hand. I smile a bit when I hear Creary as the announcer.

"And James Potter's got the quaffle! A miracle, since he's been chasing after Lily Evans since first year with no luck-ow! You didn't have to hit me!"

Then Lily's voice comes over the intercom, "Go Arell! Remember you owe me five galleons if you lose, Sirius."

"It's supposed to be impartial!"

I laugh as a screeching ensues, most likely as the two of them fight over the mic.

"And ten points to Gryffindor by that pesky James Potter who, for once, doesn't have to make his hair look windswept." Creary is back and only slightly out of breath. My attention returns to the game as I spot a bludger heading in the direction of the keeper. I'm shooting forward before I can even think about it. I grind to a halt in front of the keeper just as Hufflepuff is nearing with the quaffle.

"Looks like we've got a standoff between Tinsley, a horrible name really, and the new Gryffindor beater!" I grin slow and pull back my bat, then swing hard. The bludger connects and shoots straight for Tinsley's chest. It hits its mark and the quaffle goes flying into the air as she falls back. Once I'm sure my team has got the quaffle, I shoot down and grab her uniform to lower her to the ground softly. Medics exit from the tents and then I'm back up in the air giving Sirius a high-five when he passes.

"An impeccable shot by Arell Ackley everyone! Absolutely no mercy can be found on the pitch from this player and I must admit that's pretty hot. Ow!" I grin when Lily no doubt hits him on the back of the head. "Captain Connelly has the quaffle and maneuvering around the field like a niffler after some jewels, but is thwarted by the shockingly buff Trent Laine. Seriously, are we sure he isn't like twenty?"

My eyes suddenly zero in on Smith, a chaser with the whitest naturally blonde hair I've ever seen, who steals the quaffle and three Hufflepuff chasers that are instantly on her tail. I look for Sirius and find he's already looking at me. He nods and I nod back before we head over. He stays above the group and I stay below just waiting for the inevitable bludger. The sharp crack of wood on the ball tells me Sirius found it and I'm quick to lock my ankles around my broom and spin so I'm hanging on by them and a hand. The bludger crashes between two Hufflepuff chasers, then I hit it back up.

"This is incredible Quidditch, ladies and gentlemen, Black and Ackley are attempting a Ping-Pong Sandwich!" The bludger hits the arm of a chaser and she falls, then Sirius hits it back and it knocks another off their broom, then I hit it one more time right into the last one's chest. The crowd is absolutely roaring, I can barely hear Creary. "A SUCCESS. A NEVER BEFORE SEEN MANEUVER HERE AT HOGWARTS. BRILLIANT. THERE'S NO DOUBT BLACK AND ACKLEY WILL BE THE DUO TO BEAT THIS YEAR IN QUIDDITCH." He shouts before we score yet another goal. I heave myself back up onto my broom and give Sirius a high-five before resuming the match. "And now, another strange development this early into the game! It seems the Hufflepuff seeker has spotted the snitch!"

My eyes catch the speeding yellow uniform with the red now inches behind.

"With Gryffindor weighing in at ninety points, Hufflepuff zero, the snitch would grant a victory to either team! And another score from James Potter, no doubt to spite the words I just said!" Creary announces as I idly hit a bludger towards the Hufflepuff keeper. It's nearly impossible to hit the seeker since they're following the snitch which is purposefully on an untraceable path. Plus, there's always the chance you'll hit your own seeker since they're so close together. I shoot up after them.

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