Chapter Seven-Protectors

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The spinning stops and I lead the charge to the door, walking right in. The office is beautiful. All stone, books, floating metal contraptions, and a real phoenix sitting to the right of a big desk that Albus is sitting at. But I'm too riled up to appreciate any of it. "Sorry to disturb you, Albus, but these three were casting spells in the great hall." She says and I can feel her disappointment.

"Professor, if I could just-" She shakes her head and I grit my teeth. "Albus, you promised the teachers would listen to me. You promised." I speak again, this time straight to the greyed professor.

"And you will be listened to, Arell, not everything happens instantly. Patience would be a good lesson for you to practice here." It sounds condescending, but his eyes are bright and he's a little smile on his face. Sirius sidles a bit closer to me with a slight shake of his head. I pout angrily. "Thank you, Professor McGonagall. Go enjoy dinner." She nods and hands Snape his wand before hesitantly walking out with one more glance at me. Dumbledore beckons the three of us closer and we stop a foot from his desk, me in the middle of the two boys. "I'm afraid you gentlemen are at a slight disadvantage for I did have a previous agreement with Miss Ackley. I'll be hearing her account first." His eyes weigh heavy on me, but I sigh in relief.

"Thank you, Albus. What happened is that I was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Sirius discussing Professor Slughorn's club that I'd just been invited to join. As he was talking, I saw him," I gesture to Snape who's frown deepens, "trying poorly to sneak up behind us with his eyes focused on us. He whipped out his wand and I cast a protection spell just before his hit. Then Sirius disarmed him so he couldn't cast again. Remus, James, and Peter will all say the same thing too. They saw everything." I finish and stare at Dumbledore's eyes without flinching. He nods slowly and looks to Sirius.

"She gives a perfect account, Professor." Albus looks to Snape.

"They were talking about me." He mumbles.

"We were talking about the club, you're a member, aren't you?" I ask him, getting more and more annoyed.

"Besides, I don't remember saying your name, did I?" Sirius asks with a small smirk and Snape huffs.

"Alright, everyone." We look back to Albus as he sighs. "Sirius and Arell, you're dismissed. Severus, wait here a few more moments." Sirius and I immediately turn on our heel and leave, jogging out and down the stairs. The second we hit flat floor I'm in his arms and we're spinning around.

"You're a gem, love! I rarely get out of trouble." He tells me and releases me with a kiss to my cheek. I laugh and try my best to regain my balance when my face feels so hot and my mind fuzzy.

"No problem. What's wrong with that guy?" I ask as we start walking back to the dining hall. Dinner is probably already underway and I'm hungry. Sirius huffs and runs a hand through his prettily tousled waves.

"Don't really know. He's always been a foul git to all of us and just seems to get worse every year." His expression darkens. "Started hanging out with families of deatheaters and making spells like you do, but dark stuff. Doesn't know what he's getting himself into." Sirius's voice is low, but there's a little something more in it than there usually is. This battle is a personal one and the hatred between the group and this boy isn't one-sided.

"Well, thank you for helping me out in the hall. Not sure if I could have cast quick enough to stop his next curse." The cloud over Sirius's face fades as he smiles at me, a nice, not arrogant or cocky smile.

"You defended us first, love." His arm wraps around my waist as we walk. "You're officially part of our group. If you weren't already." He presses a firm kiss to my temple and I melt a little against him before blinking and remembering I'm hungry.

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