Chapter Two-Introductions

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All eyes turn to me as I shake my head and tsk at the three boys in blue robes. "Why did you bully that first-year?" I ask with a healthy dose of venom in my voice. Two of the guys look nervous, but one stands with a cocky head tilt and his hands shoved in his pockets.

"And who do you think you-AH!" I cut him off by shoving him backward and holding my wand to his throat.

"I'm not the biggest fan of bullies, so you'd be wise, all three of you," I take the time to look the three of them in the eyes, "to never do it again." They all nod fearfully and I nod once, letting go of the guy. Just before leaving I turn back to the cocky one and point my wand at him again. "Densaugeo." I whisper and grin when his teeth start growing like a walrus' tusks. Letting the door shut behind me, I head back to my suitcase.

Unfortunately, the screams from the bully's compartment have attracted a little attention. Just as I'm about to get to my suitcase a head pops out of a room and I'm forced to pause and move to the side. His black waves are messy, but somehow, he makes it work. Rectangular glasses frame glimmering hazel eyes and pink lips are stretched into a mischevious smile. Hazel eyes flick to me.

"Fuck, what the hell is happening down there?" He asks and I have no clue if he's asking me or the other three guys in his compartment. I take the answer upon myself.

"Some tosser got hexed. His teeth are apparently growing uncontrollably." I shrug, a small pleased smile on my face.

"Oh, brilliant. That was McCleary's compartment! What a walking arse that guy is. Did you see who did it?" The boy asks, now almost completely out of his compartment from excitement and its contagious.

"Prongs, think about this for a moment. No one else is in the hall, her wand is in her hand, and she's smiling. Who do you think did it?" A skinny boy with a mop of golden-brown curls and more scars than skin sasses at the messy-haired boy in front of me as the other blokes chuckle.

"Blimey, Padfoot, is it just me or is he a bit snappier than usual?" Messy hair asks as he leans back against the compartment door and takes a long drag on his cigarette. The question was aimed at a rugged looking boy with shoulder-length, black, curly hair. He's got bright eyes though, and they shine like silver moons as he looks at the messy-haired boy.

"Definitely. Have we been neglecting you, Moony? Do you need a few kisses to reassure out undying love?" The boy from earlier just rolls his eyes and shares a smile with the only boy in the compartment that hasn't spoken. At least before the other boy starts coming at him with pursed lips.

"Try kissing me and you'll have the same problem as McCleary, thanks."

"Anyway, was it you who hexed him?" Prongs, I think, asks with amusement now dancing in his eyes. Curious and thoroughly entertained, I shrug.

"Might've been. Personally, I think the curse is an improvement. Wasn't a looker to begin with." I reveal and all the boys beam at me.

"Well then, that's bloody hot." He says and my eyes widen along with my smile. "Which compartment are you in? Haven't seen you around before." Prongs asks and I suddenly get a bit nervous.

"You've not have seen me before. I've just transferred." Various hums of intrigue fill their compartment and hazel eyes glows with new interest.

"Ah, a transfer. From where? You don't have an accent." He asks and I shrug.

"Durmstrang first, then Beauxbatons." Now his eyes get wide.

"Durmstrang and Beauxbatons? The hell you do to get kicked out of both?" Silver eyes asks and irritation passes over my face.

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