Chapter 1

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"I don't care," I tell my assistant, Anna, as I make my way out of the convention center.

"What do you mean you don't care? This is your career we are talking about." Anna says as she is following close behind me.
I am currently in Japan with my co-start for my new movie which I am filming with my long-time friend Jesse. We finished shooting for the movie and we are currently promoting it all over the world.

"I am not going to date Jesse to continue my career," I tell her before I get inside the limo with Anna.

"You don't have to date him just kiss him in public so people talk more about the movie," Anna mentions trying to convince me yet unable to.

"Can you drive me to the bar nearest to the hotel?" I ask the limo driver before he stars the ride.

"Charlie." My assistant speaks up trying to get my attention as I take my phone out of my pocket and check social media.

After a couple of minutes, the limo stops in front of a club.

"Thank you," I say before I get out of the car and watch the limo leave with Maria still in it.

I honestly don't get it. I have dedicated my whole life to my career yet I can't have a day for myself or even decide who I want to date. I turn around and make my way to the club. Once I'm in the club, I walk towards the bar because I honestly need a drink.

"Charlie Tømmeraas?" I hear a male voice say my name. 

I turn around to see the one and only Zane and Heath. I have always watched David Dobrok's vlog so I pretty much am obsessed with everyone in it because they're so funny.

"That's me!" I say happily before Zane chuckles.

"Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected this," Heath speaks up before I smile trying to not fangirl.

"Charlie, would you like to go drink with Matt, Heath and me?" Zane asks me with the happiest smiles before I nod.

"I could never say no," I tell Zane before Heath yells for Matt to come over.

Matt comes over in a matter of seconds before we make eye contact.



"Okay, enough of whatever this is and let's start drinking!" Zane yells before the bartender gives us multiple shots.


"These are the best shots I have ever tasted," I say as I try to sit down on the couch but end up falling on the floor.

"Be careful," Mariah says as is trying to take care of Heath.

"There's this bar back in LA who has the best shots ever, I can show it to you if you want," Matt says as he takes a seat on the couch while I just lay down on the floor.

"David is going to be mad if you guys don't wake up at 8 am tomorrow," Mariah says after she puts Heath to bed.

Why am I here? I should be getting back to my room but I just don't want to get up from my bed.

"He'll be happy if we bring Charlie with us," Zane comments as he is sitting near the door.

"I would but I have an interview," I say before my eyes begging to fail on me.

"Does anybody know where her room is? She won't get in trouble if she stays here?" I hear Mariah ask before I drift of to sleep.

"Charlie." I hear someone whisper standing close to me since I can sense their heat.

"Mhmm?" I ask as I lay on the cold floor but thankfully I have a blanket on me.

"Somebody called Thomas keeps calling you." The person who I assume is a male because of the deep voice says.

"Tell him to fuck off." I say before I turn around to continue to sleep.

"Also it's 1 pm." The person continues to say before I literally jump on my legs.

"Shit. I'm late." I say as now I am fully aware.

I am going to get in so much trouble for not being there on time and I am still wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

"You can borrow some of my clothes." I hear a female say behind a closed door.

"Heath, can you give me a ride to the convention center after I change?" I ask him as I rush into the bedroom before he can agree.

"Don't worry honey, we are actually going there in five minutes," Mariah says as she hands me some of her clothes.

After I finish changing, I make my way outside with Mariah and Heath before we take a taxi to the convention center.

"I'll give your clothes back once I clean them but I can get my secretary to bring you some of my clothes so you can have some for the trip." I tell Mariah as I am sitting in the back of the taxi.

"Don't worry, I always bring extra just in case." Mariah says before we all mind our own business.

Why did Thomas call me? I mean we broke up a couple of months ago. There is literally no need to call me or contact me or just have me in your life. Once we arrive at the convention center, I literlly ran out of the car and into the interview which I was suppose to be thirty minutes ago.

"Charlie, you are late." Anna says as I run into the room that everyone is already inside.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." I tell Anna as my makeup artist starts to put make up on me to get me to the stage.

"Is Jesse here?" I ask her before she nods.

"Surprisingly," Ana comments before I laugh because he is always late.

After getting all ready to go on stage, well Jesse and I get on stage for our interview.

"Hi!" I say before I take a seat on the couch next to my co-start.

"Sorry for being late, you know how girls are always taking forever to get ready." Jesse comments before I fake laugh and hit him in the shoulder.

"We have so many questions for the both of you. First of all why are you guys not an item yet?" The interviewer asks us making me uncomftable.

"Charlie is like my little sister. It would be incest if we get together." Jesse explains to the public before I nod and look at the audience.

"Matt." I whisper as we make eye contact.

I did not know he was going to be here today. I mean I barely even remember spending time with him yesterday but I can recall I had fun.

"Who?" The interviewer asks before I turn red.

"No one." I say breaking my eye contact with him and getting my focus back on the interview.

"I haven't had my coffee yet so I'm a bit crazy." I explain to the interviewer trying to make sense of the situation.

After a painful hour, the interview was finally over and now I am back in my dressing room getting change to an outfit my styliest has picked out for me.


"I'll get it." I say to my assistant before I ame my way to the door.

Who can it be? I mean if it was Jesse then he would have walked straight in without knocking.

"Hi." I say after I open the door to him Matt looking nervously at the floor.

"You want to go get some coffee?" Matt asks me before I nod with a smile on my way.

"See it wasn't that bad," Zane says as he comes over to the door.

Guess it's not going to be a date. 

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