Chapter 15

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"I do love some pizza!" I say excited as Natalie ordered some for everyone who is at David's.

After I filmed the video with Carly and Erin, Natalie came over with Todd and then Jeff and Zane came a bit later when I texted them that I was over here.

"Who ordered pineapple pizza?" Zane asks shook as the only pizza in the boxes are pinnacle.

"That was me. I thought we could use a little change." Todd says with a chuckle at the end before I rolled my eyes.

"You're the devil. Who in the hell likes pineapple pizza." I say as the hunger in time is gone because I am not eating this.


"That's my cue." I say before I get up from the couch.

"You're leaving? I just got here." Natalie says sad as I nod.

"I have to get to work but I'll be back when I'm done." I explain to her.

"Can I come? I need footage for my second account." David asks me before I nod.

I honestly don't mind the company because I get lonely so I would say it's a win win. Matt won't be happy but he can't stop me from being friends with other people.

"You want to drive?" I ask David as he comes up behind me.

"Does that mean I get to drive your car?" David asks me before I nod.

"Why not? Just don't crash." I say as I toss him my keys.

David and I get in my car before we head to set. Once we arrive at set, we both get out of the car before heading to the makeup trailer since I might be a bit late.

"Are you filming for a movie or a show?" David asks me as he filming everything just in case while we walk into the makeup trailer.

"Show. It is called Hollywood." I explain to him before taking a seat in the makeup trailer and then David takes a seat beside me.

"I've never heard about that one." David asks me before Bella, the make up artist, starts to put makeup on me.

"Well do you want an exclusive?" I ask him before he nods excited.

"If I do amazing at this show then Ryan Murphy, the director and producer, would give me a spot at American Horror Story." I explain to him.

"Can't Evan Peters get you in?" David asks me before I nod.

"Yeah but I want to work for it. If not then it doesn't really feel like an accomplishment." I continue to explain to him.

"I get what you mean."

After half an hour, my make up was done and now it's time for wardrobe. I quickly changed into my outside from the Hollywood Golden Age around 1947.

Once I was done with my outfit and makeup, I head towards set since I have some films to film. I am casted as a secondary character. My character is based off Marilyn Monroe which I think is pretty cool!

"Glad you could make it!" Jim Parsons or as he appears on the show as Henry Willson.

"I try my best." I say as we exchange smiles since the next scene to film is between us two.

I've become close with the cast but not too close since I'm mostly with the vlog squad all the time. But since we're almost done with filming, I will try to get closer if there is another season. David is currently in the side lines watching us film this scene which I'm comfortable but if it was Matt I would not be. Since the scene is hinting towards sexual assault to show the bad side of Hollywood.

"Do you want me to ruin your career?" Jim says as he is acting as we are sitting down in a restaurant for the scene.

"I'm not going to do it. I'm done, I am not going to be controlled anymore." I say as my eyes start to water but I can't cry because she has to be strong for this scene.

"I'm done being passed around to spread my name." I say before I get up from the table.

(I know this scene can be sensitive to people and I am sorry in advance if you have gone through things like that and if you need someone to talk to, I'm here)

I actually like this part from the show because it's the characters standing up for themselves because their done being thrown around so they can have a career.


"Who's phone is that?" Ryan Murphy asks as we stop halfway through my scene thanks to the noice.


"That is definitely Charlie's." David comments knowing my ring tone.

"I don't know why. My friends know I'm in set so they shouldn't be texting me." I tell them before I make my way towards my seat where my phone is.

I pick my phone before looking who has texted me.

"Who is it?" Jim asks as he is standing where he last was seen in the scene since everyone is curious who is calling me at this crucial time.

From: Matt <3
To: Baby girl
'Zane posted a video where it catches me calling you my baby. I didn't mean it in a bad way and I hope you don't get mad. Also I heard you took David to set with you. That's messed up honestly and I'm on my way there?'

"It was Matt, a friend. He was concern about something one of our friends posted." I explain to Jesse before putting my phone on mute and returning back to my position.

"Like the fact that you two are dating." Jim comments before I look at him shock.

I may or may have not brought Matt to set a couple of times so he can meet my co-stars and see me film.

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just say that." I say as I put my phone down and mute it before heading back to where my character is suppose to be.

"We have like 20 more scenes to film, let's wrap this one up and make sure it's perfect." Ryan Murphy tells me as he is looking directly at me.

"Yes, sir."

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