Chapter 8

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Natalie!" I yell as I walk into David's house.

Jeff dropped me off and left to go to his apartment to go work out.

"Of course you are eating," I say with a laugh as I find her eating crackers in the kitchen.

"Charlie, I talked to David and he is wondering if you would like to join us for Coachella? I mean I know you are going already but you should stay with us." Natalie asks me before I nod.

"I would love to."


"But I don't know."

"What? Why not?"

"I don't want to be there if Matt doesn't want me there."

"What happened? I thought you guys were going to get together?"

"Today he asked me to leave and he didn't want to see me."

"You're coming with us to Coachella. Matt is a lost cause then and you can get with someone else." Natalie says trying to have my back.

"Thanks, Nat," I say calling her by her nickname.

"Okay, now tell me what happened with Evan Peters," I say after Natalie and I seat down at the couch.

"We are going on another date when we get back from Coachella and then we will see where it goes."

"This is probably weird but do you think Jeff is hot?"

"Who wouldn't, why?"

"No big reason," I say not trying to make it obvious.

"Mhmm," Natalie says giving me the eyes knowing I am up to something.

"Here are your keys. I already packed but let's go to your house and I can help you pack for Coachella since we leave tonight."

"Tonight? It's only Wednesday." I ask her before she nods.

"David likes pre-party" Natalie explains.


"I am all packed," I say after I close my bags and lay in my bed as Natalie looks through my closet.

"Uhh, can I borrow this?" Natalie says before she comes out of my closet with a red dress.

"Here, put anything you desire in this bag," I say before I get up from the bed and walk towards another closet to grab an empty suitcase before handing it to her.

"You are the nicest!" Natalie says after she grabs the suitcase and goes back into the closet.


"Come in," I yell before the door flew open to reveal my sad brother.

"What's wrong, Herman?" I ask him as he stands by the door frame.

"I was planning on attending Coachella with you but Amelie needs me back home." My brother says speaking about his girlfriend.

"Go back home. I will see you soon, I promise." I tell Herman after I walk over to where he is.

"You better. Last time it took a couple of months." Herman says before he brings me into a hug.

"You know how filming is," I explain to him after he hugs me back.

"Everyone misses you over there especially mom, dad, and Teodor," Herman says referring to my parents and younger brother.

"I will be there as soon as possible," I say before we separate from the hug.

LOVING HIM~ Matt KingWhere stories live. Discover now