Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Armin Arlert. I am 22 years old and currently live with my aunty Jenny. I was born on the 3rd of November, 1992. My mother died giving birth to me and my father commited suicide not long after so that's why I live with Jenny. She is my guardian. Being top of the class and having no parents or friends was fantastic bully material, so I was constantly getting bullied. Alot of people say I'm strong because I'm not messed up like my childhood but I had things to keep my mind off that sorta stuff. I was constantly reading, thinking and drawing, and I still do now. I loved (and still love) books. They would always relate to me in some way. For example, Romances were my future and Fantasy were my thoughts and dreams. Everytime I read a book I felt as if I related to them so I could understand them and enjoy them better. I also used to spend half an hour in bed before sleeping just thinking. Not anything specific, I just thought of random things that came to my head. It was always difficult to get to sleep because of that. Finally, I would draw events in my day or feelings I was having. I still kept a journal but it was mostly filled with drawings show my day.

But enough about my past.


"What are you doing?" I asked, carefully picking up the bouquet of flowers from the kitchen bench. I bought them yesterday and had to make sure they were still alive.

"I found another one." Jenny said, passing me a newspaper clipping. "This one is really nice looking, it's perfect Armin don't you think?" I rolled my eyes and slipped it in my pocket.

"I'll have a look later. Take a break from the house hunting okay? Stop trying to kick me out." I smiled and kissed her head. "I'm off." I walked to the front door.

"Don't work too hard." She hugged me goodbye.

I jumped in my car and set off to work. Usually I would walk to work, after all its only a 10 minute walk away and its good exercise but I don't want to risk damaging the flowers. I thought about aunty Jenny. She was so sweet to help me find an apartment but she pushed herself too hard. I know she's trying to help but it feels like its her full time job now. Everyday when I get home she constantly shows me new places. To be honest, it was annoying at times. I'll find an apartment in my own time.

I parked a block away and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I backed up. 'Oh I almost forgot.' I thought to myself as I reached into the glovebox pulling out an elastic band and my glasses. I tied my mop of long blonde mess back into a ponytail, letting the front short bits hang in my face and slipped my glasses on the bridge of my nose and pushed them up. Gently picking up the bouquet from the back seat, I locked the car and walked into the Chalkduster Cafe where I worked.

"Hey Armin." Marco waved to me. I smiled and waved back, making my way to the kitchen.

"Ayeeee, no entering my kitchen." Sasha called from the serving window in the kitchen. She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Yo, Connie; Armin brought more flowers. Grab the vase would ya?" She called behind her. A few seconds later, Connie emerged from the kitchen doors and handed me a large, glass vase full of water.

"I still don't understand the point of spending your money on flowers every week." He sighed, giving me a sarcastic roll of his eyes.

"I've explained this to you. Krista works at the flower store and gives me a discount. Also, it brightens up the place." I said.

"And reminds you of your girlfriend, right?" He smirked.

"How did you guess?" I stuck out my tongue at him and walked to the front counter where I placed the vase of flowers. Marco walked to the door and flipped over the sign in the window to 'open'. He opened the door and leant on the counter sighing.

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