Chapter 23

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((A.N: Im not a doctor so I dont know if this works in real life XD))

Armin POV

All I heard was the beeping of machines. I couldnt really feel anything, except for a warmth on my hand. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the light. Once they were open almost the full way I looked beside me so see a guy with his head down on the bed and his hand holding mine.

"H-Hello?" I croaked. The guy stirred and slowly moved his head so his eyes met mine, then he shot straight up.

"A-Armin!" He said, tears filling his eyes.

"What?" I asked. What the hell is an Armin?

The guy faulted a bit and looked at me with sad eyes.

"You dont remember anything, do you?"

"Uh... n-no..." I said, trying to figure out everything. "Whats happening, who are you?"

"My name is Eren. Im your boyfriend..." He trailed off looking away.


"Im gay?" I asked. He looked at me and chuckled.

"Yeah. Also your name is Armin, just incase your wondering." That explains something.

"How did I get here?"

Then Eren explained to me a really long story about coffee shops and apartments and crazy ex girlfriends plus a cute love story.

And also alot of violence and pain along the way...

"The doctors said its only short term memory loss so hopefully you can remember everything again soon." Eren said.

"Well thats good." I smiled. I tried to sit up but got sharp pains in my stomach, making me cry out.

"Woah, woah!!" Eren exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders and slowly lying me back down on the bed. "You need to be careful Armin."

"What was that pain?" I groaned.

"I told you, you had surgery on your stomach, and a pretty big one too. You have to be careful."

I nodded, squinting my eyes shut as the pain lingured.

"Do you want me to get a doctor?" Eren said, looking at me with worry written all over his face. Not literally of course.

"No Im okay." I breathed.

"Are you sure?" Eren held my hand and I blushed slightly. I will admit I did feel attracted to him. His brown bangs fell into his emerald green eyes, and the look of worry on his face was really cute. I couldnt help myself. I cupped the side of his face and pulled his lips onto mine. We had a short, soft kiss that sent butterflies through my extremely messed up stomach. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I thought that if you didnt remember, then you wouldnt love me anymore." Eren smiled.

I smiled back, being lost in his eyes.

"Ah, your awake." A doctor walked into the room. Eren avoided eye contact with him. "Mr Jaeger, I thought I told you to leave half an hour ago." The doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Did you?" Eren asked innocently.

The doctor sighed. "If you keep breaking the rules like this we will have to take legal action, you do realise this right?"

"Why cant I just stay here with him?" Eren whined.

"Look I just-"

"W-Whats wrong with him staying?" I asked.

"Well he cant right now, I have to give you some medication." The doctor told me.

"But I mean, if he wants to, why can he just stay? I mean at other times." I tried to explain.

"Well um.."

"Please?" Eren pleaded.

The doctor sighed. "Okay okay."

"Thank you." Eren smiled and looked down at me. "Oh, did you need me to leave now?" He looked back up at the doctor.

"Well... No you dont have to." He said, going to a small table and grabbing out a needle. "I think it might be better if you stay actually..." The doctor said looking at me. I was terrified of needles and I think it was noticable because the doctor was looking at me weirdly and Eren squeezed my hand softly. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Its okay, Im here." Eren whispered, making me smile slightly. Before I knew it the doctor had given me the medication. "That wasnt so bad right?" Eren asked.

"No." I smiled.

"Okay Armin, now that your awake Ill need to explain some things... I shouldve done that before I gave you the medication but its a bit late now. Do you want me to explain later when your more awake or are you okay now?" The doctor said.

"I think I should be fine. Worst case senario Eren can tell me later." I replied.

The doctor than explained my injuries and all of the medical procedures they did on me while I was in a coma for 6 MONTHS. I felt so bad that Eren had missed out on Christmas just for me. He had come to the hospital almost every single day to visit me, even though he knew I wasnt going to wake up. I smiled to myself, knowing he loved me that much. The doctor said I should be fine to go home in about a week. He also explained that because of the critical injuries I had on my stomach I may find it hard to walk for a while or have trouble walking long distances, so he was going to give me crutches.

He finished his speech just as I began to feel drowsy. He told Eren some extra information and things I didnt really listen to before leaving the room. Eren drew circles on my hand and I chuckled softly.

"I love you." I whispered.

Eren smiled. "I love you too Armin and I promise to take care of you okay?"

"Okay." I smiled, my eyes drooping.

"Sleep well." He kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Do you know how tempted I was to write "SLEEP WELL MY COCONUT PRINCE" OMFG XDXD



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