Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes slowly and stared at the ceiling drowsily. I yawned and rolled over in my bed, burying myself into the blankets. It was starting to get cold being September and all. After 20 minutes of a failed attempt to sleep, I finally got out of bed and got dressed in a hoodie and skinny jeans. I decided to go for a walk to Krista's house, after all she was my girlfriend and we hadnt talked in ages.

I opened my bedroom door and creeped out. Surprisingly, Eren was asleep on the dining room table. I sighed and tried to creep past him but he stirred and opened his eyes. "A-Armin?" He looked at me with droopy eyes, but they quickly shot open. "A-Armin! I-"

"Im going to Krista's place." I interrupted. He gave me a confused look.

"Oh..." He looked down at the table with a disappointed expression.

"Ill be back later." I said and turned towards the front door.

"W-Wait!" He grabbed the side of my jumped. I looked at him with a slight hurt look. I still wasnt very happy with him.

"What." I said coldly.

"D-Do you hate me?" He asked with a quiver in his voice which almost made me feel kind of bad for him.

"No, but I dont think I can be around you right now." I pulled away from his grip and walked out the front door, slamming it behind me. I let out a deep breath and walked down the street. Krista's house was a good hour walk away. I stuck my earphones in my ears and played My Demons by Starset. I told you, I really like them.

As I walked the cold air hit my face, sending chills through my body. I picked up my pace so I could warm up and focused on the music. This song although rough, always made me feel better somehow. Its hard to explain.

Take me high and I'll sing,

Oh you make everything okay, okay, okay, kay, okay, okay.

We are one in the same,

Oh you take all of the pain away, away, away, way, away, away.

Save me if I become,

My Demons.

I began thinking about the whole Eren situation.

So what I know so far is that he is keeping a secret about his mum and the only person that knows is Connie which accidently found out, and apparently he is terrible at keeping secrets and is also threatening to tell everyone the secret if Eren doesnt fill him in on everything and also Eren sleeps with bunches of girls for a reason that he wont tell me that probably has something to do with his mum.

Does that make sense to you?

I got a headache just from thinking about it. Before I knew it I was already at Kristas house. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The door swung open and Krista stood there in her pjamas.

"A-Armin!" Krista blushed. "Sorry, I didnt know you were coming." She straightened out her clothes and I laughed.

"Sorry for coming so early without permission my lady." I bowed and gave her a hug and kiss. She giggled and let me in.

We talked for a while and caught up on recent events. I told her about Eren's crap and she told me stories about Mikasa, Ymir and her. It was nice to talk to her again.

"Im sorry for not talking to you for so long, I feel really bad." I held her hands in my lap.

"You better, Ive missed you." She pouted, rubbing my chest.

"I guess I have to make it up to you?" I smirked.

She nodded and bit her lip.

I leant in and kissed her pasionately on the lips. She leant in closer to my body and I grabbed her hips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I licked her lower lip, asking for entrance; trying to get that spark I usually felt. She accepted and our tongues danced together in perfect sync. She moaned softly as I pulled her closer. It was going so well, you know, until my phone rang. It was actually kind of good that it interrupted it, because it started to get awkward for me. I wasnt feeling anything. We pulled apart panting, looking into eachother eyes. I rolled mine and looked at my phone.

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