Chapter 9

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"Ah fuck!!" I hissed and dropped the pan I was holding.

"Armin?" Sasha called and ran over. "Whats wrong?"

"N-Nothing." I groaned clutching my wrist. I think I picked up the pan in a weird way and had sprained my wrist.

"Yeah, yeah. Show me." Sasha held out her hand and after hesitation, I placed my wrist in her hand. She pulled me and I yelped in pain. "You've sprained it." She sighed. "What did you do you smart one?" She let go and begun walking to the far cupboard. She grabbed out a first aid kit and began wrapping my wrist in a bandage.

"I dont know." I winced as she wrapped.

"I reckon you've picked up the pan, was prepared for its weight and its bent your wrist in a weird way; is that right?" She asked.

"Um... Yeah probably." I replied.

She clipped the bandage and examined my hand. "Will you be okay or do you wanna go home?" She looked at me with a serious expression. Sure Sasha was an idiot but she really did have a serious side.

"I should be fine." I smiled. She looked at me suspiciously.

"Dont force yourself, Armin." She said as she walked away.

I rolled my eyes and picked the pan back up with my good hand. Unfortunatly, my chopping was pretty poor and I was in great pain. I cut one of my fingers and making sure Sasha wasnt around, I grabbed a bandaid from one of the drawers at the front of the kitchen.

"Go home." Sasha whispered in my ear, making me have a freaking heart attack.

"Oh my god you scared me!" I clutched my chest and panted.

"Go home." She repeated.

"Why? Im fine, really." I said but she gave me a death stare.

"Shutup, get out of here." She pointed to the door.

"Sasha Im fine." I rolled my eyes.

It was at that point that she grabbed my sprained wrist. "Ah shit! Sasha what are you doing!" I hissed. She began pulling me towards the door. "NO STOP SASHA PLEASE!!" I yelled in pain.

"Marco, please show Armin the way out." She called out. Marco peeked his head in from outside and walked in.

"What?" He asked.

"Sasha Im-" She then twisted my wrist. "AH SHIT ARE YOU STUPID OWCH!!" I pulled my wrist back and clutched it tightly. I wouldnt be surprised if it were broken by now.

"You injured your wrist?" Marco asked.

"Yes he did and he refuses to admit that he needs to go home and rest it. Can you kick him out for me please?" She asked then looked at me giving me a sickly sweet smile. I glares at her and she laughed as she walked away.


"Im fine!" I looked at Marco who was crossing his arms.

"Just rest it okay?" He sighed and pushed my out.

I sighed in defeat and looked at him. "See you later then."

"Yeah, get better." He smiled and walked off to work.


I walked to the front door and unlocked the door.

"Eren, Im home early." I said. I was exhausted. Working in the kitchen was really draining my energy. I walked to my room and collapsed on the bed. I could barely keep my eyes open. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a bang on the wall next to me. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall hazily. I coudnt tell if the noise was my imagination or not. My eyes began drooping but another loud bang made them shoot open. I sat up and stared at the wall, thinking I was mental until several more small knocks on the wall proved me otherwise.

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