Chapter 12

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The next morning I decided to take a walk to the shops, not for anything in particular. When I left Eren hadnt woken up but by the time I got back, Eren was sitting on the couch with his head buried in his hands.

"Hey." I said, placing the shopping on the kitchen bench. I didnt really buy anything but some Malteasers. I dont know why, they were the first thing I saw and there was no point going to the shops and not getting anything, right?

Eren replied with a mumble that I didnt quite understand. I opened the packet of Malteasers and sat next to him on the couch. I rattled the packet and he split his fingers apart so he could see. I took one of the balls and held it out for him. He chuckled and sat up, taking the chocolate and popping it in his mouth.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like absolute shit." He smiled.

I giggled. "Why the hell did you go to the bar?"

"I think I was just disappointed in myself for being such a dick." He sighed.

"Do you actually remember what happened when you got drunk?"

"Not really, I was hoping you could fill me in." He looked at me and sighed. "What embarassing things did I do?" He grinned.

"Well, what I heard was that Connie happened to see you and came in to ask you what you were doing but you completely ignored him, he was worried so he stayed, then you apparently whined about our fight so loudly that the staff asked you to leave but you refused to leave until I came and got you, so I was forced to leave my girlfriend to save you from being sent to jail, you jumped in my arms and wouldnt let go, then when you finally did you grabbed my hand and I helped you to Connie's car, then you kinda dove into my lap and hugged me telling me that you were sorry and you loved me. Then you went on about a rockstar or something and fell asleep." I laughed.

Eren groaned. "God Im sorry I put you through that Armin, Im just a selfish jerk."

"No you arent." I smiled.

"Yeah I am. I just dont think!!" He smashed his fist on the coffee table, making me flinch.

"That parts true." I chuckled. "But its not entirely your fault..."

"Armin who are you trying to kid?" He turned his attention to me. He huffed in frustration, looked back down at the table and rubbed his temples.

"Eren, I think you need to let go." I said.

"What?" Eren looked at me again.

"Your hiding something, and although it may be a secret you need to tell someone about it because its stressing you out."

"Its not stressing me-"

"And who are you trying to kid?" I said firmly. "On the first day we met you told me you were stressed, you have random freakouts due to stress, you got drunk yesterday because of stress and even the other day I noticed when I was asking you what was wrong and you werent telling me, you were holding your head as if you had some kind of massive headache. It was probably the stress built up, and you know it."

Eren sat there staring at me for a while then eventually nodded.

"Your right."

"Fuck yeah I am." I grinned. "Can you tell me now?"

He looked at me with slightly sad eyes, but still accepted the fact he needed to tell me. "Okay." He sighed.

"When I was a kid, my dad would beat me but my mother would always jump in and protect me. Mum was the best part of my childhood. She took me places and spent time with me, she loved me and took care of me, unlike my father. She would always tell me how proud she was of me and would support anything I told her." His breathing hitched. "A-Anyway, one day dad came home really drunk and instead of beating me, he went straight to mum. He beat her really hard and rough. I tried to stop him but it seemed like I was non-existent. He jumped kept going. I ran to the phone and called the police, who took away my father and an ambulance came to help my mum. She was in the hospital for a week but didnt seem to be getting any better. She was on alot of medication and couldnt really talk, but one day she turned to me and said 'Eren, just do me a favour and give me grandchildren, okay?'. She smiled and I thought she was going to make it, but almost immediatly after she told me that, her heart stopped... A-And she died." Eren began crying and I rubbed his back. "So since then Ive been desperate to find a girlfriend and since I didnt have parents to teach me the right way to find a girl... I just... I dont know... I have no reason to be sleeping with random girls, you would think I wouldve learnt by now!!" He yelled, clutching his head.

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