Chapter 14

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"Eren, cmon just let me in." I said softly at his door, knocking but he wasnt replying. I let out a frustrated sigh and walked out the front door but then realised,

I dont have a job anymore.

I groaned and walked back to my room. What am I supposed to do now? I dont even have a girlfriend anymore to visit. I could just go to the cafe as a customer, but then it would look as if I dont have a life outside of work which is true but I didnt really want anyone to know that.

Then someone knocked on the door. I walked up to it and opened it surprised to see Erwin standing in the doorway.


"Shutup, I need to talk to you." He said and pushed past me.

I closed the front door and followed him as he sat on one of the dining room chairs.

"Look, I need you to take the cafe off my hands." He sighed.

"What!? But-"

"I know, you dont work there and you probably dont have the money but look kid, ever since that fight yesterday I havent been getting any customers and Im getting all these dirty looks-"

"Sorry to interrupt but its only been a day." I said.

"Yeah well I havent been making alot of money for a while. I keep getting complaints that all the workers are slackers and talk to eachother but dont serve others." He glared at me. "Also my wife is in hospital right now, so the lack of money Im getting from this cafe plus all of the bills its creating is just too much. Seeing as your the only semi-responsible ex-employee Im giving the cafe to you."

"But Sir-"

"No. Your taking it whether you like it or not."

"You cant force me to take it." I crossed my arms.

"Did I mention my wife is in hospital?"

That made me stop and sigh. "Fine."

"Thanks. Ill get the paperwork and we can talk soon, okay?" He stood up and made his way to the door.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. "Wait, how did you get my address?" I asked when we were at the front door.

"Why does it matter?" He smiled slightly and walked off.

I slammed the door, not even bothering to lock it and growled in frustration. What gives him the right to walk into my house and give me a bunch of bills that I cant even pay because I dont even have a damn job!?

"Eren!" I yelled, pounding on his door. "Stop being such a baby and let me in dammit!"

I felt slightly guilty after saying that but it didnt make a difference anyways.

"Oh you know what..." I said under my breathe and kicked the door, making the door swing open and something smash on the other side. A chair was in pieces.

"H-Hey!" Eren exclaimed. I looked at him and he looked really rough. His hair was everywhere and his eyes were really red.

"Eren, tell me whats wrong, Im sick of you keeping all these secrets from me." I said, walking up to him and sitting on his bed. I heard my phone buzz from my pocket but I ignored it.

"Its nothing Armin." He looked away.

"It is something!!" I yelled.

"Some things have to be kept to yourself okay!?" He shot back. "I dont have to tell you everything!!"

"Well I want you to, please." I took his hand and squeezed it softly.



He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "T-Theres more to that story..."

"About your mum?"

"Y-Yeah..." He let out a shaky breath. "She did love me and everything but I will admit there was one time that she wasnt so understanding... I came home from school one day and told her I tripped and.. accidently kissed a guy. She kinda snapped at me.. Turns out she didnt support gays." He smiled weakly and looked at me. "Thats why Im sleeping with all these girls, to convince myself Im not gay. Heck, I even asked out Mikasa yesterday."

"Oh." It makes sense now. My phone buzzed again but I ignored it.

"Im sorry about yesterday Armin, I guess I just couldnt control myself..." He trailed off.

I giggled. "Its fine."

"No its not, I cant just go after straight guys its just so-"

I coughed. He looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders, smirking.

"Wait..." He looked at me closely. "A-Are you?"

"Why dont you find out?" I smiled.

He smiled back and got closer to me. He leant in and kissed me, a bit rougher than last time but I liked it. He pinned me against the wall next to his bed and began kissing down my neck, making me moan softly. Once again our mouths met and moved together in sync. I wrapped my arms around Erens neck and he wrapped his around my body, pulling me in closer. We never once pulled our mouths away, I guess you could say he literally took my breath away. My mind was probably trying to tell me how gay I was but at least this time,

I could admit it.

"ARMIN!!" A voice screamed from the doorway.

Eren and I pulled apart quickly and looked at the doorway to see Mikasa, some other girl with tan skin, freckles and brown hair and Krista.



"Calm down, cmon lets go." The other girl said with a cold voice, giving me a death stare.

Krista ran off with the girl and Mikasa stood there for a few more seconds with tears in her eyes before following.

Something inside me snapped.

"A-Armin are you okay?" Eren looked at me with worry.

I clutched my head. "No no no no." I began saying over and over.

Suddenly everything shut out.

I walked through the school halls. The cool kids were standing leaning against the locker next to me. They began calling me names and pushing me as I walked making me drop all of my books. They started laughing but one of them was looking at me with pity. "Whats wrong?" One of them laughed pushing him. He tripped and fell onto me and our lips brushed. My face went bright red. We both quickly regained ourselves as I began picking up books and the other kid laughed nervously and punched the other ones arm playfully. The kid that pushed him in the first place laughed and said "Nice one Eren." That was the first night I started cutting.

I snapped back to reality just in time to see the knife sink into my stomach.


Youll understand what happened next chapter SORRY XD


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