Chapter 10

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I woke up with pain in my wrists. I hadn't cleaned the cut one properly and now there was dry bloodied crust over my cuts, also my sprained one was throbbing. I grabbed my sleeves and bandage and peeked out the door. Eren wasnt anywhere to be seen. I bolted to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I walked up to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible; my eyes were red and dry, my hair was sticking out all over the place and my cheeks had no colour in them.

I turned the water on, rolled up my pyjama sleeves (I had started wearing long sleeve shirts now, it was getting colder) and began washing my cut wrist, hissing in pain. After I had washed it, I began washing my face and trying to look somewhat normal.

Someone knocked on the door. "Hey Armin," Eren yawned. "You in there?"

I quickly dried my wrist and face, putting a sleeve on one wrist and quickly bandaging the other. "Y-Yeah one second." I said. Once I had finished I opened the door and looked at Eren. He looked just as bad as I had before, he was probably guilty.

"U-Um, about yesterday..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Im sorry I never told you I um... have a girlfriend."

"Aw what!! Why didnt you tell me?" I pouted.

He chuckled. "I dont know..."

"Whats her name?"

"Um... C-Chelsea." He fiddled with his hands.

He didnt seem very confident about his girlfriends name.

"How long have you guys-"

"Please enough questions!" He snapped. I flinched. "I-Im sorry I just uh... It doesnt matter..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"O-Okay, sorry..." I said and walked past him back to my room. I began laying out work clothes on my bed.

"So um, how is your wrist?" He asked.

I stopped for a second, thinking he found out about my cuts until I realised he was talking about my sprained wrist. "Oh, uh yeah its fine. A little sore but it should be okay." I looked at my sprained wrist.

"Why do you have a sleeve on the other one aswell?" He asked, looking suspicious. Both of my pyjama sleeves were rolled up so the bandage and other sleeve was uncovered.

"Oh. Well... I... um..." I frantically tried to think for an excuse. "I uh... Thought the bandage looked stupid so I put a sleeve on the other arm to make it even..." I replied confidently.

"Why couldnt you just leave it?"

"Because I have OCD, and it was bugging me." I said easily, because half of it was true.

He looked at me suspicously, but I quickly changed the subject. "Anyway, I have to get ready for work sorry." I said. He nodded and walked off. I shut the door and got dressed really quickly. I just wanted to get out of the house before Eren found out anything. I made sure my blades and tissues were hidden and I made my way to work.


"Are you sure?" Sasha asked.

"Oh my god Sasha, for the tenth time I swear Im fine!!" I huffed.

"You seem off." She crossed her arms.

"And again, FOR THE TENTH TIME, ITS BECAUSE YOU WONT STOP BOTHERING ME." I yelled, throwing down the knife I was cutting lettuce with and giving Sasha a death stare.

"Mate, dont hurt the knives." She raised her eyebrows.

I took a deep breath. "Are you done?" I asked.

"Yup. Think Ive pissed you off enough." She gave me a sweet smile and skipped off.

After I had finished work, I packed up and headed home. I walked through the door and went to my room to draw. My wrist was a little better, hopefully it was good enough. I began drawing my feelings, turning them into shapes and patterns. I smiled to myself as the picture began to form,

Until I heard bang on the wall.

I dropped my pencil and my eye twitched. Hes at it again.

I sighed. This was his place and all but he has to respect that he has another person in the household that doesnt exactly feel comfortable with him fucking someone in the room next to them while they are actually there.

I tried to ignore it but the sounds started getting louder. Something inside me snapped.

"EREN PLEASE IM HOME CAN YOU DO THIS ANOTHER TIME?!" I yelled at the top of lungs. The sounds stop. I smiled to myself and continued drawing. Erens door opened. I turned around in my chair to see a girl running out the front door. I didnt exactly see her features.

"YOU PIG!!" She yelled as she ran out.

"Baby Im sorry!!" He called back. He ran out and stopped in the middle of the halway infront of my door, sighing. Yes, he was wearing pants and thank god for that. He turned around and saw me, going a dark shade of red. "Uh, hey Armin." He gave me a lopsided grin.

"Yeah, good afternoon." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry..." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Its fine. Just remember I get home at 6." I smiled. "So, a second time with Chelsea." I smirked.

"Whos Chelsea?" He asked with a look of pure confusion.

"W-What?" My mouth dropped.


A flash of realistion came across Erens face. "O-Oh. Yeah-"

"You... You dont even know your girlfriends name?" I stood up and walked towards him, looking at him through squinted eyes.

"Y-Yeah I-" He began backing up.

"You dont even have a girlfriend do you?" I pointed at him. He looked very nervous and began sweating.

"I-I do-"

"You lied to me!!" I pushed him into the wall behind him.


"Are you a man slut?!" I yelled.

"L-Let me explain, please-"

"Youre disgus-"

"STOP!!" He yelled, clutching his head. "P-Please."

"I want you to tell me whats going on right now." I crossed my arms.

"Okay I will just let me speak." He sighed. "Y-Yes, its true I dont have a girlfriend; and I guess you could say its true that Im a man slut... But I do it for a reason okay?" Hurt flashed through his eyes and I almost felt bad for him.

But I didnt.

"Whats the reason?" I asked.

"I... I cant tell you." He sighed.

"Why not!?" I snapped.

"I JUST CANT!!" He yelled. He clutched his head again and ran to his room, slamming the door behind him.

I huffed a frustrated sigh and walked back into my room, slamming the door and continuing with my drawing. Eren was really getting on my nerves. He hid too many secrets and it was stressing him out. I couldnt help but feel bad for him.


Hehehehehh DRAMAAAAA


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