Chapter 2

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(A.N: Just letting you know, the book is set in America but I live in Australia so I'm just doing things the Australian way but with American seasons.

Also warning: When I was reading over this chapter its realllyyyy boring at the beginning sorreh)

I woke up at about 4am.

'How exactly did I get here?'

Then I remembered passing out on my bed. I don't know about anyone else but I'm the type of person that once they wake up, it's very difficult to get back to sleep. I decided to do some drawing. I went through yesterday's pants to find my notebook so I could rip out the pages and place them in my journal, but it wasn't there! I never put my notebook anywhere else, so I don't understand where it went. Maybe I left it at work.

I sighed and walked over to me desk which was very tidy if I do say so myself. I usually love it clean but when I draw on it it gets trashed. I grabbed a scrapbook and a pencil and began drawing.

I drew a girl in a bubble, with a boy in another bubble and a giant cup of coffee on the ground with both bubbles floating away. The girl is supposed to be me because I'm such a pussy, and I'm in the bubbles surrounded by my feelings which I'm too afraid to let go. The other bubble with the boy is Eren, surrounded by his own crazy hopes and dreams. We both met in a coffee shop so that explains the coffee.

Simple right?

It's okay, no one understands my art but me, and I like it that way anyway. I ripped out the sketch and placed it in my journal, plus I wrote a little.

'Met a troubled guy at work yesterday. I feel bad for him.'

I usually don't go into detail in my journal entries because I like re-reading it and going into detail myself in my mind, so I actually remember the day, not just reading a recount of it.

I decided to go downstairs and have a drink. My throat and tongue felt really dry and sore anyway. As I approached the kitchen I saw Jen lying on the table asleep. I sighed. I felt bad for last night for what I said, and I just realised I totally forgot about coming back down to go through some more stuff with her which made me feel even more guilty. Why do I have to open my big mouth? I walked to the sink and as quietly as possible I got myself a glass of water. Call me weird but I hate refrigerated water even on hot days. The temperature of tap water is perfect for sculling. I think refrigerated water has a weird taste, is too cold to drink and makes you feel less thirsty than you actually are because your body gets tired of not being able to drink. If that makes any sense. I just don't like it.

I'm sorry I go into detail about everything, I told you I think a lot.

I looked at Jen again but it just made me feel more guilty, so I retreated back to my room.


I have to wake up at 6 anyway, what's the point of sleeping? Not that I can anyway.

I slip on a pair of jeans and a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to elbow length. I brushed my long hair but didn't bother with the elastic (or glasses). I cleaned my room (not that there was really anything to clean) and made sure I had everything before walking downstairs.


I sighed. I have to leave at 8. What the heck am I supposed to do? I slipped past Jenny and sat on the couch. I pulled out my phone and after checking some texts I began playing some games. After doing everything I possibly could on my phone until I was completely bored it was still only 6. I decided to go for a walk. I scribbled out a note for Jenny when she woke up, and quietly walked out the door. It was a pretty warm morning, after all, it was July.

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