Chapter 3

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Ring. Ring.

I groaned and slowly reached my arm out to grab my phone. I picked it up, placed it on my pillow and answered.

"Mmmm?" I groaned.

"ARMIN YOU FREAKING IDIOT!!" Someone yelled on the other line, making my eyes shoot open. The phone wasn't even on speaker and I heard it crystal clear.

"Huh? Wha-" I looked at my phone and saw Sasha's caller ID.


"Oh my god calm down please, you're breaking my eardrums and the phone isn't even on my ear. What are you talking about?" I asked.


"Oh SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I hissed. "What time is it?!" I literally jumped out of bed.

"Wow, I've never heard you swear Armin."

"THAT DOESNT MATTER RIGHT NOW, WHAT IS THE TIME??" I yelled, trying to put my jeans on.


I swore again as I slipped on a shirt. The house was about half an hour away but at this time in the morning there would be traffic and I wasn't even dressed!

"Thanks for the wake up call, gotta go bye." I said and hung up without waiting for a response.

"JEN IM LEAVING!!" I yelled and opened the door.

"Wait!!" Jen walked into the room looking startled. "Armin, where are you going?"

"To the house, sorry I woke up late and really have to go." I ran over, kissed her goodbye and ran out the door, jumping in my car and speeding down the road.

Now saying the traffic was bad was a complete understatement. The traffic was horrendous. I ended up getting to the place an hour late and was on the verge of tears. I parked a block away but I was way too late, there's no way anyone would be there now. I missed my chance.

I sat on the sidewalk outside the building, hugging my knees to my chest. This is just a huge mess. Its all my fault. I buried my head into my knees and began my little thinking session where I tried to convince myself that it wasn't my fault but after all,

It was my fault.

I tend to get a dark mind every now and then and get a bit depressed. I took a deep breath and got my notebook out of my pocket. I looked at it for a while and began drawing random things but in my mind they all made sense.

"Excuse me mister?" A voice said above me. I looked up and saw a little girl standing there, looking a little scared.

"Oh hi. Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm fine. My mum said not to talk to strangers... But you look sad."

I smiled. "Your mothers right. I'm alright, I just missed out on something important to me." I sighed.

"Oh." She replied and played with the bottom of her shirt.

"Jessie?!" A woman called and ran up to us. "Jessie, I told you not to talk to strangers, don't you learn anything!" She scolded the girl and told her to go to her father, then turned to me. "You didn't try anything on my daughter did you?" She waved her finger in my face.

I waved my hands and shook my head. "No, no! I wouldn't do anything like that, I just-" I stuttered, with a red face.

"Yeah, that's what they all say!!" She slapped me right across the face and walked away. I sat there in shock for a few seconds before eventually standing up. I sigh a shaky breath and began walking to my car.

Ring. Ring.

"H-Hello?" I had a very shaky voice.

"Armin? You sound like crap, what's up?" Marco's worried voice came through the phone.

"N-Nothing." My words were coming out in small sobs now.


"Nothing, I-I gotta go." I hung up the phone and ran to my car, wiping tears from my eyes. I jumped in, drove home and locked myself in my room for the rest of the day.

You missed your chance.

Your irresponsible.

Your useless.

You are a terrible person.

These thoughts ran through my mind all day. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my razor. I took the blades out and eased my pain.


Sorry, short chapter. Ugh I almost cried writing this, poor Armin my baby. ;-;


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