Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning and both my entire arms felt bruised and weak, probably from the amount of blood I had lost. I decided to put the sleeves under my work sleeves, just incase they were to slide up and uncover my cuts.

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. As I began brushing my hair I thought to myslef as to why I didnt put it up anymore.

Because Eren thought you looked cute with it down.

I dropped the brush as my wrists began throbbing. They tended to do that if I began thinking about things that caused me to cut in the first place. Shaking it off and ignoring my inner voice I picked the brush up and finished what I started. I walked out into the lounge room and by the looks of it Eren had cleaned everything up. Marco and Jean probably left after I had my little meltdown and Eren cleaned up.

Well most of it.

I noticed Eren had fallen asleep on the couch, covered in about four blankets. He was snoring softly and even though I felt like a complete pedo I noticed he looked peaceful while he slept. I giggled slightly and grabbed my keys off the bench. I turned around only to bump into Eren who had woken up without me realising making me drop my keys.

"Morning." He smiled. I blushed and my wrists started again.

You need to stop thinking.

No do it, just proves how much of a fag you are.

I took a deep breath and bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying. My inner feelings hurt. "H-Hey." I smiled back.

"Are you okay?" He knitted his eyebrows with worry, touching my face.

"I-Im fine!" I blurted out, taking his hand away and walking out the door but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me back, making me squeak slightly in pain.

"Armin." He looked at me dead in the eyes. "Seriously, whats wrong?"

"Nothing, p-please Im late for work." I attempted to pull away but that only made my work shirt sleeves slide down exposing the other ones.

"Whats this?" He asked, staring at my sleeves. "Why do you have sleeves under your sleeves?"

"Seriously Eren I need to go." I tried to yank away again but it didnt work.

Eren tried to pull away the sleeves but I panicked and quickly yanked from his grasp.

"Whats your prob-"

"NOTHING!!" I yelled in frustration and ran outside, slamming the front door in his face. I jumped in my car and sped off down the road before the conversation went any further.


"Yo Armin." Connie called from the kitchen door.

"Yo Connie." I called back.

"Krista is here for you, and shes not looking happy man." Connie said.

I walked past him out to where Krista was standing in the doorway of the shop, looking pretty pissed. She had her arm crossed, her foot was tapping impaitently and she was staring into the distance but then her eyes darted to me and I could almost see the fire. Ive never seen her this angry, what could I have possibly done so wrong?

I walked up to her but she started walking away which confused me at first but then I realised she wanted me to follow her. I followed at a safe distance as she walked outside the shopping centre. She pointed to a bench and I quickly sat down.

"H-Hey?" I tried to start a conversation.

"Just dont." She said.


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