Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling energetic for once. I literally kicked the blankets away, jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to the kitchen.


I ran into the kitchen and took out the utensils and things to cook crepes. Humming to myself, I began making the batter. I heard footsteps and panicked a little bit. I took a glance at my wrists and fortunatly the cuts had healed. I looked behind my shoulder and saw Eren walk into the room wearing only boxers, leaving his chest muscles open for viewing. I looked away quickly, blushing. Why the heck was I thinking like that!?

"Hi Eren." I said, still mixing the mixture.

"Hey." He yawned. Walking over he examined my actions. "What are you making?"


"Looks like pancake batter."

"Well they are similar."

"I thought a crepe was a fancy way to say pancake?" He looked at me with a confused expression.

I laughed. "No silly. They are a french version. They are much thinner and the size of a dinner plate. You put ice cream in the middle and fold it over like a wrap; then drench it in maple syrup and stuff."

"That sounds amazing." He sighed and stretched. "Why are you up so early?"

"Its 8:30am. Its not that early." I rolled my eyes and melted butter in a pan.

"Let me rephrase that, why are you so energetic at this time of morning?"

"I dont know. I think Ill do the garden today." I smiled, pouring the batter into the pan.

"Fair enough. Do you need any help?" He watched as I got the ice cream and the maple syrup.

"No, its fine. But it will be ready soon. Why dont you go get dressed or something and then you can help me pick out seeds for the garden?" I flipped the crepe.

He groaned. "Fineee." He walked back down the hall to his room.

I finished cooking as soon as Eren walked into the room wearing jeans and a collar shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I wondered why I noticed these things as I placed the food on the table. We sat down and I watched closely and he had a bite of his crepes.

"Oh my fucking god." Eren looked at me with wide eyes. He grabbed my shoulders from across the table and shook me. "ARE YOU JESUS!?" He yelled.

"Maybe!! Haha, stop!!" I laughed.

"Oh my- just- ahhhhh!" He moaned and continued mowing through his breakfast.

After breakfast, I ran down the hall to get dressed. I put on a white shirt like Eren's with a brown vest and yellow trousers plus my black canvas shoes. I walked out and saw Eren had cleaned up the kitchen.

"Thanks Eren!" I called out, but he didn't reply. I looked around the house but I couldn't find him anywhere. I walked out the back and saw him with his hands in his pockets looking at the dead garden.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking." He smiled to himself then looked at me. I saw his eyes look up and down at my body and I felt embarressed. "You know we are just going to buy seeds right?" He chuckled.

"So?" I blushed. "Are you ready?"

"Yup, lets go!" He jumped up.

We drove to the plant nursery which wasn't too far away. We walked inside and Eren immediatly like a little kid ran around admiring all of the plants. I couldnt help but giggle.

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