Chapter 1

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The movie "Parallels", Jinyoung had watched it a number of times but never failed to get absorbed in it. He was fascinated by the idea of parallel universe and wanted to believe that it existed.

"That movie again?" Jackson, his roommate and friend, came and stood next to the couch Jinyoung was sitting on. "Haven't you got tired of it yet?"

Jackson sat down on another couch and took out his phone to check the messages from his girlfriend.

"Don't you go out tonight?" Jinyoung asked, still glued to the TV screen.

"Nah. Wendy's got a family dinner tonight. Speaking of it, why's she texting me now?"


"No but she's with her parents."

For another half an hour, both of them were in silence, each absorbed in his own activity. When the credits rolled down, Jinyoung turned off the TV and turned to Jackson, with a sigh. Jackson spared him a glance, with his eyebrows raised, before typing in a reply to his girlfriend.

"Jackson, have you ever met a guy so cute and handsome? With a smile so beautiful?"

"What're you talking about? Did you meet someone like that? You're interested in someone at last?" Jackson sat up straight and looked properly at Jinyoung, setting his phone aside. "Omg, tell me. Who's it?"

"I don't know his name or which department he's from. In short, I know nothing about him. But he's so beautiful and handsome. I can even use the word 'gorgeous'."

Jinyoung's lips turned to a smile as he talked but then his eyes turned grim. Probably, he would never meet that beautiful guy again. His smile, Jinyoung could not shake off his head, and the thought of that smile alone, accelerated his heart. He was totally gone on that cute guy, now.

Jackson watched his friend, not without surprise; he had never seen Jinyoung that impressed by someone's looks nor heard him say things like that.

"That guy must be super attractive then. How did you meet?"

"It was in the library."

It was not new that Jinyoung found difficulties in understanding the subject 'Developmental Psychology'. But thankfully, he had found a list of recommended books for that subject, on the internet, and he was in the library to search for them. Out of eight books, he found six - that was not too bad - and after leaving one book for next time, he took the five books and went to the counter.

Nothing unusual happened but when he was near the entrance of the library, the books in his hands fell down all at once, with a loud thump. To his embarrassment, everyone in the library turned to look at him. He murmured an apology to the librarian and fell to his knees to pick the books up.

That was when a pair of delicate hands and a slender body came into his eyesight and the person helped him pick up the books. When Jinyoung looked up to thank them, he was welcomed by a charming smile that stopped all his brain functions and rendered him unable to utter anything.

"Be careful." The deep voice did not fail to flip Jinyoung's heart and before he could say anything back, the handsome guy had already left him and continued his way into the library.

Jinyoung could not get up immediately, still trying to bring himself back to reality. Then, feeling everyone's eyes on him, he held the books tight, got up to his feet and left the library at once, without daring to spare a glance at the angel who had charmed him.

"I made a fool of myself there. But gosh, he was so beautiful," Jinyoung ran a hand through his hair, with a sigh.

"That was romantic though," Jackson said encouragingly.

Jinyoung groaned, "How in the world was it romantic? He might think I was just a clumsy ass. We're not going to meet again anyway. So it shouldn't matter."

"But you want to meet him again, am I right?"

"Of course. Even when I embarrassed myself in front of him. And I wished I'd not been that stupid not to have said anything to him. Even a simple 'thanks' would've done."

"Maybe, you can go to the library again?"

"Till I see him there again? That's unlikely to happen. Maybe, I should just forget him. If there's parallel universe and we met there as well, I hope I wasn't that stupid and we're in contact with each other now."

Jackson rolled his eyes, as Jinyoung was daydreaming again about himself being in parallel universe. This was where he and Jinyoung differed; he did not care whether there was parallel universe out there or not - he only believed in the things he saw with his own eyes. But Jinyoung was opposite; he believed nothing was impossible.

Jackson's phone vibrated with a message from Wendy and while he was replying to her, Jinyoung disappeared into the kitchen and then came out again with a coke in his hand.

"I want to meet him again, Jackson," Jinyoung slumped against the couch and looked at his friend absently.

"You seriously have a big crush on him," Jackson commented, distracted by Wendy's messages.

"It's going to take me a long time to forget him."

"I'll search for someone like that for you, I promise," Jackson said, while most of his attention was on his phone.

Jinyoung did not hear him as he put the coke on the table and lay down on the couch, casting his mind back to that scene in the library. His heart was both warmed and pained as he thought of that handsome guy with a charming smile.

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