Chapter 16

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If it had been up to Jinyoung, he would have been stuck at the apartment and studying for the finals. But Mark insisted that they should go out somewhere to clear their minds and brains for a while.

Thus, here they were, inside Mark's car, with the windows down and driving around the city. The cool wind and the sight of the city at night, themselves, were doing great to refresh Mark and Jinyoung.

All of these comforted Jinyoung but he had also noticed Mark's silence, which he had kept since they had set off. Maybe, it was because of stress, given that the finals were only one week away.

They stopped by the Han River and a few minutes later, they were sitting on the bank of the river, wordlessly staring at the river before them.

At last, Jinyoung turned to Mark and took his hand, which reminded him that they had not held hands on the way here.

"Is something wrong?"

Mark shook his head, not shifting his eyes from the river, "No. It's nice to be out."

"But you don't look like you're fine," Jinyoung said, "You know, you can talk to me about anything. If it's about the exam, I understand. I'm stressed too."

Mark finally looked at Jinyoung and shook his head again. "It's just... I'm thinking of the future. I'm afraid to face drastic turns."

"What kind of turns? As far as I know, you've the certain future. You're the only heir to the Tuan holdings and you're a Business major student."

"That itself is a turn. There'll be pressure, rivals and all that jazz. But I can endure all of these. What I'm most worried about is... I'll have no choice. There'll no longer be an chance to."

It would be a lie if Jinyoung said he understood everything Mark had just said. But, at least, he wanted to comfort Mark; he drew Mark closer and kept his hand around Mark's shoulder.

"Things can't always go our way. But I know you'll be okay. You'll create your own future and I'm sure you'll be satisfied with it too."

"I doubt," Mark said, his voice so quiet that Jinyoung almost missed it.

They stayed, still and silent, with their own thoughts scattered. There was always this thought that popped up in Jinyoung's mind. Would everything between him and Mark change after the finals or graduation? But seeing Mark so wound up, he did not want to bring up this topic.

"Sometimes, nothing's worse than that everything's planned out in your life," Mark murmured, "I've no choice even if I want to."

Away from here was the Hangang Bridge and cars running across it. The world around them was still alive. Jinyoung wondered what kinds of things different people were going through at the moment. Or was there anyone out there having the same fear and worries he and Mark were having?

Where would he and Mark be or what would they be doing around this time next month? While Mark saw everything fixed ahead of him, Jinyoung realised everything was uncertain for him. What kinds of changes were waiting for him?

"What's your plan?" Mark asked, "For the future."

That was what Jinyoung had been asking himself lately and there was only one answer. "I want to be a psychologist. Someone who can give advices to those who are in need of them."

"That's great," Mark said, finally with a smile, "You'll be a successful psychologist one day. At least, promise me that you'll work hard to be."

Jinyoung just laughed and leaned his head against Mark's. He wished they could just laugh and everything troubling their minds would go away. But it was just impossible.

He knew something was still bothering Mark and as for himself, he knew what was troubling him. Why couldn't they just enjoy themselves here?

"I don't think we'll be able to meet often after this. We still need to make sure we pass the exams," Jinyoung said, with a chuckle.

"I feel like time's passing too fast. I wish I could stop it."


No reply came but at length, Mark said, "Because we need to leave here and I don't want to yet." Jinyoung could sense Mark was just joking and the real reason could be something else.

They stayed there a bit longer and then got back to the car, leaving the Han River. The night was still young, however. Bact at the apartment, Jinyoung wanted Mark to stay a little longer but had to let Mark go when he needed to be back to his studies and Mark also should get home already.

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