Chapter 8

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Jinyoung spent about two hours of the Saturday morning, pulling out his clothes from the closet and thinking of what to wear. Mark had asked him for a date and Jinyoung wanted to prepare for it as best he could.

He was aware of the fact that Mark and Haewon were still together and that he could do nothing about that. The brief encounters in the hallway, the phone calls and Mark's occasional visits at his apartment were all they had on the weekdays and so Jinyoung anticipated this date.

A little bit after noon, Mark came to the apartment to take Jinyoung. Once they came into each other's sight, they broke into smiles and buried themselves in each other's arms for a long hug, before pulling away reluctantly.

"I missed this. Why do you smell so good?" Mark said.

"Because I took a shower."

Mark laughed, "Have you had lunch? If not, we can stop by a restaurant."

"I haven't. Where're we going though? Are you sure you're available for the rest of the day?"

"Deadly sure. And..." Mark took out two tickets from his pouch and showed them to Jinyoung, "Movie! I got these yesterday."

"Okay," Jinyoung checked them and found that it was a rom-com movie. "You like rom-coms?"

"You don't like them? It isn't that I like them. I got there pretty late and only the tickets for this movie were available. I should've asked you first."

"I'm not saying that I don't like it," Jinyoung laughed, "Why're you so cute when you panic?"

"Yah, I didn't panic, you little shit."

Jinyoung just laughed, before Mark stopped him with a random peck on the lips. They left the apartment afterwards and Mark drove them to a restaurant apparently.

"How come you've never dated any guy before? I'm the very first guy?" Mark asked, dividing his attention between Jinyoung and the road ahead.

"Are you saying that we're dating?" Jinyoung asked, with an amused smile.

"Aren't we? I thought we were."

"But you've never said to me that you like me."

Mark laughed and while Jinyoung was waiting for a positive reply, there was none. His heart sank; he did not know whether Mark just did not want to admit or the feelings he had for Jinyoung - if there were any - were not to that extent.

They both fell into silence and although Jinyoung stubbornly wanted to continue like that, he did not want to ruin this date and broke the silence first. "I used to have small crushes on a number of guys but they never lasted."

"So I'm your big crush? It's my gain and their loss."

"I thought you were straight. Did I perhaps turn you gay?" Jinyoung jokingly asked.

Mark thought for a moment and said, "I'm still straight though. I don't feel anything for other guys."

Jinyoung looked at him with the widened, disappointed eyes, "Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter, Mark, because I'm still a guy and you can do all those things comfortably with me."

"Well, maybe, I'm not 100% straight. But it's only because of you."

"I don't understand you anymore."

Mark only laughed as a reply and Jinyoung wished Mark would be more serious and not be in too much denial.

They had their lunch at a restaurant and then continued to the designated movie theatre. They were in one of the last rows where couples usually were, in the movie theatre. It was a new experience for Jinyoung but he wondered how many times Mark had been on such dates with Haewon. Countless times, surely.

All Jinyoung could say about the movie was it had a very good beginning. In the later parts of it, his attention was much more on Mark feeding him popcorn and Mark's hand playing with his.

"Are you intentionally distracting me?" Jinyoung whispered into Mark's ear.

"So I'm successfully distracting you?" Mark said, huskily and quietly so that only Jinyoung could hear him.

"Oh, are you being smug about it?" Jinyoung said, biting back a smile, "Wanna see who can distract who more?"

Before Mark could reply, Jinyoung's hand made its way to Mark's crotch and moved on it teasingly slow. Mark let out a moan before covering his mouth with his hand.

"You like it, right?" Jinyoung tugged Mark's ear lobe with his teeth.

"Jinyoung, stop, before I'm...," Mark threw his head over the back of the seat, producing a throaty groan, when Jinyoung added more pressure on his touches.

"You're hard, already, Mark. I'll take good care of you."

"No... Jinyoung, please fucking stop..."

Jinyoung undid the zip of Mark's jeans and took out Mark's hard-on, after pulling the boxer shorts out of the way. Knowing that they did not have much time, he wrapped his lips around it and moved his head.

"Jinyoung... fuck... you're seriously."

Jinyoung liked to hear Mark's moans and bobbed his head faster, until Mark came within a few minutes. He swallowed most of the cum and wiped Mark clean with the tissue they had got from the snack bar. He chuckled as he pulled the zip of Mark's jeans close and sat up straight properly.

"Did I distract you good?"

"You're unbelievable. It was terribly good though. Maybe, we should have such challenges often," Mark groped Jinyoung's crotch and said, "Why aren't you hard? Gosh, I feel betrayed."

"I'm controlling myself, because the movie's gonna end. Now your hand stop roaming there or there'll be a problem."

Mark chuckled and withdrew his hand. Not long afterwards, the movie came to its end and the credits rolled down. Later, the lights were turned on and only then they noticed the weird glances of the couples nearby at them. Mark blushed slightly while Jinyoung found that amusing.

When they were out of the movie theatre, it was still too early for dinner but they decided to have an early dinner and Mark drove to a restaurant different from the previous one. They took much time there as they were not in a hurry. When they got back to Jinyoung's apartment, it was already about 7pm.

"I'd much fun today. Rest and sleep well tonight," Mark said, when they were at the door of Jinyoung's apartment.

"I'll. Thank you for today. Will you text me when you get back home?"

"I'll." Mark drew Jinyoung for a hug and they stayed like that, absorbing each other's warmth, for minutes. Jinyoung wished he had not had to let go of Mark but the night was falling and Mark needed to leave. But he was thankful that their date had gone well and after a soft kiss on Mark's hair, he let Mark go.

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