Chapter 18

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It took a little more than three hours to get to Naksan Beach from Seoul and Jinyoung, Jackson and Wendy were on one bus. As they had left early, when they arrived at the designated hotel, it was not yet noon. They had lunch at the hotel restaurant, before going to their rooms.

Jinyoung and Jackson had got one room together and Wendy was in another room with her friend. To be honest, Jinyoung had little excitement of this party. His heart was heavy, thinking of the possible answers to why Mark had not contacted him since that last day of their exams.

"I'm gonna take a shower now. Then you do. We'll take a walk around the beach," Jackson said, taking a towel from the rack.

"I don't want to be third-wheeling you and Wendy. You two go. I think I'll just have a nap here."

"Seriously, Jinyoung, this is not Seoul! While we're here, let's explore. I know what you're going through. That's why you should refresh yourself." Jackson disappeared into the bathroom.

Jackson was right, anyway; Jinyoung took out some casual clothes from the backpack and waited for Jackson to finish. He knew himself that he should not stay alone. When he did, there were always endless thoughts wandering in his head.

The three of them had a stroll around the beach and Naksan Temple. It was nice to walk around as the sun was not too bright and the sea was a better view to look at from the temple.

When they were back at the hotel, they had the early dinner together, as there would be both food and drinks at the party tonight.

At about six in the evening, the beach was almost deserted, clear of tourists, and that was when the party was started.

The night was falling and with the permission, they had a small bonfire, which lit the surrounding. Some were in charge of making barbecue and there was also a table set for the drinks to place on.

Not every senior from their university had come but there were still a lot here and the mood of the party was slowly improving, with chatters and laughters.

Jackson was talking with his friends and Wendy was mingling with her own. Without them beside him, Jinyoug felt out of place, not knowing anyone else here, except a few classmates of his.

He went to the table for a drink just because he had nothing else to do. And that was when he heard someone's voice. The voice he was so familiar with. He was not mistaking it because when he turned, he found Mark, a little far from him and talking with his own friends. And there was Haewon too.

The sight hurt him. When he had had those questions about why Mark had not answered his calls, here Mark seemed to be relaxed and not having a care in the world. What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to go and greet Mark like nothing had happened or to stay away from them?

In the back of his mind, he was hoping Mark would throw a glance at him, by chance, and acknowledge that he was also here. And maybe, explain to him why he had not been in contact.

But Mark did not seem to notice him and a few minutes later, Mark and his group were moving away. Yet his eyes could not leave them and everything else turned to a blur.

He wondered if Mark had thought of him at all during these past few days. Was he the only one suffering?

"Jinyoung, hey," he felt Jackson's hand on his shoulder and turned to him, "Let's go eat barbecue. And we'll dance!"

Before Jinyoung could respond, Jackson dragged him to the barbecue and started to smoke the meat as Wendy joined them a while later.

"I was just talking with Haewon," Wendy said, helping Jackson, "I told them you guys are also here."

"Yeah, I saw them," Jackson said, taking a concerned glance at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung gave him a reassuring smile, although he was certain his friend could see through him.

They took their time there and later, around the bonfire, there were music and dancing. It was a messy sight to look at but everyone dancing there seemed to be having so much fun.

"Omg, let's join them," Jackson said, after his stomach had been filled, "Let's go."

"I'll remain here," Jinyoung said.

"Jinyoung." Jackson was ready to persuade him but he just let out a sigh and nodded, seeing Jinyoung's pleading look. "Just don't go back to the hotel yet, okay?"

"I won't. Just go and have fun. I'll be just around here."

Jinyoung watched Jackson and Wendy leave and disappear into the dancing crowd and once in a while, he also caught glimpses of Mark and Haewon dancing together. His heart was clenched at the sight.

He did not know how long he had been staring at the others having fun. Then, the music stopped and so did everyone. He had no idea of what was happening; his vision was also blurred due to the beer.

When he tried to focus on them, he realised everyone there was cheering. But not everyone, because there was Mark on his knees in front of someone. It was Haewon. And in Mark's hands was something... Then Haewon moved her head and in a moment, she was in Mark's arms, the cheers booming out.

This couldn't be happening. He was shaking his head frantically, not wanting to belive what he was seeing, and then was running away from there.

How could Mark do that to him? Didn't Mark consider what he would be feeling? Was everything he and Mark had had just nothing to Mark?

He was running until he could not anymore and alone in the dark, he screamed through tears into the sea.

Was is Mark's fault or his own? He had just let Mark break his heart once again. He screamed out of anger with himself while his face was drenched in tears.


He made no response and a moment later, he was in Jackson's arms. He leaned against his friend and buried his face in his shoulder.

"It's okay. It'll be. I'm here. You deserve someone better. I know what you're feeling. Just know that I'm here. You can cry all you want." Jackson patted his back to comfort him and continued to talk to him soothingly.

Jinyoung was thankful that his friend was trying to calm him down. But even when he started to regain his composure, he knew a part of him was always going to remain scarred.

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