Chapter 14

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Jinyoung threw glances at the inside of the classroom he was in front of. He and Jackson were at the Tourism Department and had been actually on the way to the Business Department to meet Wendy for the lunch break. But Jackson had told him he would stop by the Tourism Department to meet his friends for a few minutes.

And it had been already ten minutes since Jackson had been inside that classroom and chatting with his friends, who Jinyoung had never seen before. Wendy must be waiting for them now. Jinyoung thought of going to and reminding Jackson that they should not take too much time here. But just then, he heard hurried footsteps coming his direction along the hallway and he turned to find Mark rushing towards him.

He was startled as he had never thought he would meet Mark here. And why was Mark running? In a moment, Mark was beside him and before he could question him, Mark yanked his hand and dragged him along. Mark stopped when he found a dark, vacant room and entered it, still in a hurry.

There were only two rooms between here and the room Jackson was in. Jinyoung could not see Mark quite well but could hear his heavy breaths.

"What's it? Are you okay?" Jinyoung groped around, feeling a wall a little bit behind him. "Why did you take me here?"

Instead of giving a reply, Mark pulled him for a hug and leaned his head on Jinyoung's shoulder, trying to calm himself down.

"I saw you and thought... well, we could have these moments," Mark said, finally chuckling.

"You almost gave me a heart attack. Why're you here anyway? I was waiting for Jackson and you appeared out of nowhere." Jinyoung pulled himself away and looked at where he assumed Mark's face was. It could have been better if the lights had been on.

"To meet Young K's friend here. But I caught a glimpse of you and told them I was going to the toilet. I missed you."

Jinyoung felt Mark's hand against his cheek and could not help but smile. "Isn't it too much? You were in my apartment just last night. Are you perhaps trying to prove that you're that desperate and we should get back together?"

"You kissed me back yesterday and yet we're still exes? I thought it meant we were dating again." Jinyoung could hear the resigned tone in Mark's voice and let out a chuckle. "Why're you laughing?"

"I was just kidding, Mark. Who am I to resist when you show that much enthusiasm? I'll just count the days until my heart's broken again."


"Okay, I should shut up. You don't want to hear it but it's reality, Mark."

This time, Mark shut him up, drawing him and taking control of his lips with his own. If Mark had intended to comfort him, he succeeded because it forced Jinyoung to put aside his thoughts and fear and only focus on Mark. He was having that familiar sensation going through his body and it did not help when Mark was groping his crotch.

"S-Stop," Jinyoung murmured, breathlessly. But he was pulling Mark closer, instead of pushing him away.

"Where was that daring Jinyoung gone, huh?" Mark said, his breath fanning Jinyoung's neck. "It's my turn now."

Jinyoung searched for Mark's lips but ended up letting out more moans when Mark added more pressure on his movements. He was already hard. Fuck. He leaned against Mark, giving in and letting Mark do whatever he wanted.

"How I wish I could see you now. You, helplessly, clinging to me and your eyes must be all clouding with lust. Am I right?"

"Shut up," Jinyoung tried to snap but his voice came out, sounding aroused and torn. Mark pressed Jinyoung against the wall and dropped the random kisses on Jinyoung's throat and collarbones, while his hand continued it's work.

"Shit... Mark. If you're planning to make me come, do it quick..."

"I haven't even undone your zip and you're already thinking of coming?" Mark bit Jinyoung's ear lobe and dropped to his knees, opening the zip of Jinyoung's pants and pulling the boxer shorts down.

Just then, they heard some footsteps and they stilled for a moment, as it seemed someone was passing by.

"Mark? Are you here?"

Jinyoung cursed under his breath and fixed his shorts and pants again, trying to hide his hard-on with the front of his shirt. Thankfully, the room was dark, which gave him some time to comb his messy hair with his hand.

"Mark?" Haewon's voice came out again and in a moment, the lights were on. She frowned for a moment, "What're you doing here? I was searching for you."

Mark was standing beside Jinyoung and rubbing his neck, awkwardly. Jinyoung felt like running away from here but he remained there, as he was supposed to, hoping his aroused lower part was not visible to Haewon.

"I was just talking with Jinyoung. We were carried away, I guess," Mark said, with a slight chuckle.

"Here? In the dark?"

"Ah, yeah. How did you find me anyway? Maybe, we should get going?" Mark went to Haewon and then turned to Jinyoung, "Jinyoung, I'm going. Thank you for that advice, by the way. I'll keep it in mind."

Before Jinyoung could give a response, however, Mark kept his hand around Haewon and hurried themselves away from the room.

Mark, were you that afraid to be found out? Jinyoung shook his head, with a sigh, and left the room a little after the other two had been gone, his pain more overwhelming than the neglected arousal.

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