Chapter 7

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What had happened the previous day was still on Jinyoung's mind. It was as if the whole incident was imprinted on his mind. When he had told Jackson about this, his friend could not believe it. Jinyoung could understand him because even for himself, it was like a dream.

"So he's showing that he'll give you a chance?"

To be honest, Jinyoung did not know what this whole thing meant either. Yesterday, they had slept and as Mark had to leave, they just exchanged their numbers and then Mark was gone. There was no clarification. Were they now in a relationship or not? Jinyoung had to comfort himself that maybe Mark had said nothing because he was in a hurry.

Jinyoung and Jackson were on the way to their class when Jinyoung met Mark in the hallway. The joy and hope that had been building inside his heart, despite the doubts, since yesterday, were crushed there.

Haewon was in Mark's arm and he greeted Jinyoung as if nothing had happened between them. It was only a simple wave and 'Hello, Jinyoung and Jackson' and Mark, unseen by Haewon, gave Jinyoung the sign that he would phone him later, pressing his thumb against his ear and the litter finger against his mouth. Then they continued their way, while Jinyoung, broken, and Jackson, stunned, were left gazing at them.

"What was that? He had sex with you and then went back to his girlfriend the next morning as if it was the most usual thing to do?"

Jinyoung could not form any words; he was just staring at Mark's and Haewon's backs slowly disappearing. At that moment, he was more broken than angry and could feel an emptiness crawling into him. As if all the positive feelings had been shaken out of him.

"He's playing with you, Jinyoung. Fuck. If I were you, I'd confront him right in front of his fucking girlfriend," Jackson roared.

Did he have that right? In the back of his mind, Jinyoung knew that he did not have that right to confront them and claim Mark as his. Maybe, the sex they had had was just a one-time thing for Mark.

What was left in Jinyoung's mind after this encounter was that it had been stupid of him to hope that Mark would be serious about him and that he would leave his girlfriend just for Jinyoung.

Mark kept his promise, however. Jinyoung's phone went off with a call from Mark at about 8pm. Jinyoung just stared at it ringing, contemplating whether it would be a good idea to answer or ignore it. it stopped ringing, before it lit up again with the caller ID 'Mark' and the ringtone.

Jinyoung picked up the phone; he wanted to hear what Mark had to say. Was Mark going to apologise to him, saying that yesterday had been just a mistake?

"Jinyoung?" Jinyoung heard, from the other end of the line, "What were you doing? I was calling you."

Jinyoung did not understand why Mark could sound nonchalant.

"I know. Is there something you want to say? I'm listening."

The other end went quiet for a moment. Jinyoung waited until he could hear Mark's voice again, "Am I to call you only when I've something particular to say? I wanted to hear your voice and I admit, I missed you too."

"Should I be glad to hear it? Because I don't know anymore what to feel. Sorry, Mark, I'm gonna hang up if you don't have anything else to say."

"Wait, what's wrong, Jinyoung? Aren't you feeling well? Are you home?"

"Nothing's wrong with me. I just thought you wouldn't be that indifferent. Thank you for yesterday, by the way, if your intention was to make me happy. Although I don't know it was worth the pain."


Jinyoung ended the call and tossed the phone onto the bed. Maybe, Mark might have explained to him but he just did not want to hear any of it. He stared at the phone for a moment, to see whether it would ring again. It did not.

He lay down on the bed and gazed at the ceiling above. Mark must have felt offended and whatever they had between them - even that so-called acquaintance - would die out. It was not a beautiful end but what could Jinyoung hope for, anyway?

He was wallowing in self-pity and trapped in his own thoughts. He did not know when he fell asleep but he was woken up by Jackson, who was shaking his shoulder and looked quite frustrated.

"What's the matter, Jackson? Let me be alone."

"Mark Tuan's here. I told him to leave but he won't. He said he needs to talk to you. Cut out whatever it is with him or I'm gonna punch that guy's face."

That knocked any sleepiness out of Jinyoung and he sat up. "Why should he be here? I already talked to him on the phone."

"Whatever, Jinyoung, don't forget what I said."

Jackson left him, still angry, and went back to his room. Jinyoung got out of the bed and headed for the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Mark's face lightened up and then, seeing Jinyoung's hard expression, he turned grim.

"Are you mad at me? What did I do? Please, let me come in."

"Did you come here to ask me that? I don't know what you're thinking, Mark. If you're playing with me, stop. Especially when you know that I've feelings for you."

"I'm not playing with you. What we did, I liked it. And you liked it too. We don't need to stop," Mark said, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

Jinyoung let out a sigh and said, "Then what're we? Am I someone you can enjoy when you get bored with your girlfriend? And then run back to her? Am I a joke to you?"

Mark just stared at Jinyoung and then despite Jinyoung's protest, he pulled him for a hug and kept him in his hands. "No, you're not a joke to me. Please, I want to be with you. I'm sorry if I upset you. Will you give me a chance?"

Jinyoung wanted to scream 'What chance? You won't promise that you'll break up with your girlfriend, will you?' at Mark's face. But none of that came out of him. All he did was bury himself in Mark's arms and try to find comfort in Mark's warmth, while knowing all of this was wrong.

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