Chapter 17

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Finished. That was what Jinyoung thought as he got out of the exam room and met Jackson, who was waiting for him outside. It was their last day of the exam and thus, their university life was also over. Those years here in this university were going to be just a part of their past and that gave them an unsettling ache.

They walked in silence, with their own thoughts, until Jackson spoke. "These past few weeks were crazy and I haven't mentioned this to you. Guess what, we're gonna have a party!"

"Sounds surprising. As if we'd never had a party before."

"This time, it's different," Jackson said, in enthusiasm, keeping his hand around Jinyoung's shoulder. "It's gonna be a beach party. Imagine a wild night near a beach."

Jinyoung gave Jackson an incredulous look, which only made Jackson chuckle in satisfaction. "For real? Who's gonna lead it? With whose budget?"

"Sadly, with our own budget. But this is a farewell party, Jinyoung. This is especially for us. Just for the seniors. You must join us. I'm gonna drag you there if I've to."

"And I guess you're one of those planning this? When is it?"

"Next Thursday. Only four days left. You're going with me there, right? I'm not going to hear any protest," Jackson said.

Jinyoung honestly thought it would be really a good chance for them to loosen up for the last time as the university students.

"Okay. Wendy'll be there too, right?"

"Of course. And she'll be our guest tonight." Jackson was obviously excited and once they were outside the campus, he took Jinyoung to the nearest convenience store to buy snacks, beer and soju.

Jinyoung just watched his friend and then remembering Mark, he thought of inviting him to the apartment too. Even though Wendy would be there, they could be subtle in front of her.

When they were back on the way to the apartment, Jinyoung said, "Shall I ask Mark to come too?"

Jackson did not seem to be amused by the idea but still said, "Sure."

Some minutes later, they were back at the apartment and Jackson was putting the snacks and drinks inside the fridge. Jinyoung gave Mark a call, with his fast heartbeats; during the days of the exams, they had not been on the phone more than twice, let alone meet up.

He missed Mark and wanted to hear if Mark had done well in the exam, too. But his first call was not answered. Neither was the second call. Mark was not near the phone at the moment? Disappointed, Jinyoung thought of calling him later and went to the kitchen where Jackson was.

"Jinyoung, we forgot the lunch. Let's go outside or eat what we've here?"

"What do we've here?"

At last, they settled for rice and omelettes and finished their lunch. Afterwards, Jinyoung went back to his room and took the phone, which he had left on the table earlier, hoping Mark had called him back. But there was no missed calls.

Jinyoung gave him another call and this time, it went straight to the voicemail. Some more calls and when all he got back was voicemail, he gave up and just left a voice message, telling Mark to call him back.

He did not know what to feel about this nor did he know what this meant. Or maybe, he just did not want to think of the possible answers to this.

He kept his phone with him for the rest of the day and checked it more than often but he got no calls from whosoever.

When it darkened outside, Wendy came, with a box of pizza and three packs of chicken wings which she had bought on the way here.

"Wow," Jackson exclaimed, letting Wendy in, "This is gonna be a good, unhealthy night."

Jackson and Wendy disappeared into the kitchen while Jinyoung remained on the couch, which he had been sitting on for the past hour. He checked his phone once again and there was no call, not even a message.

Jackson came out again with the bag of the drinks and the glasses. "Is he coming?" he asked Jinyoung.

"I can't reach him. So, no. Any help?" Jinyoung got off the couch, although he had no desire to do anything at the moment.

"No. Jinyoung, are you okay? Something happened? I guess it's something concerned with Mark Tuan?"

"I don't know. He's not answering my calls," Jinyoung just wanted to shrug it off and pretend that it was not a big deal because this was not what they should be talking about. They were supposed to be having fun. Not being upset or angry. At least, he did not want to bring his friend's mood down on such a day.

They could not talk any further, however, as Wendy was back at the living-room with the snacks.

"Have you got any movies?" Wendy asked, "Any interesting or new ones?"

Jackson and Wendy chose two movies from the collection he and Jinyoung had and for the past few hours, they had lights off, and chilled on the couches, watching one of the two movies and having the snacks and drinks.

Jackson and Wendy were on one couch, cuddling and once in a while, making out. Jinyoung tried to keep his eyes off them, giving them privacy, but still they reminded him of himself and Mark in the movie theatre. He missed Mark; he was not going to deny that. And his attention kept going back to his phone, which had not rung even once for this whole day.

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