Chapter 11

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When the doorbell rang, Jinyoung - as his room was nearer to the door - left his bed and went to answer the door. He had a vague idea of who it could be because there was only that one person who would visit here at such late hours.

Just as he had expected, he found Mark in a thick jacket at the door when he opened it. Mark's clean, manly scent filled his nostrils as Mark threw his hands around Jinyoung, keeping him in a tight hold.

"What's this?" Jinyoung chuckled, as his arms engulfed Mark just as firm.

"It's just that I missed you. Hearing your voice alone wasn't enough." Mark, reluctantly, pulled away and looked at the living-room, "Are you alone?"

"Jackson's in his room. He's probably chatting with Wendy. It's already nearly nine. Isn't it cold outside?"

Jinyoung let Mark in, before closing the door and walking with him to his room. As usual, Mark sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled when Jinyoung seated himself, next to him.

"It's so cold outside. But I'd to endure that when I wanted to see you. Didn't you miss me too?"

Jinyoung had missed Mark; the last time they had seen each other had been two days ago when Jinyoung had been at the Tuans' house for the dinner. He was downhearted that night but when he thought of the whole situation, he had expected that anyway and just satisfied himself with the fact that nothing terrible had happened at least.

"I missed you too. But I wouldn't have minded if you'd not been able to come. After all...," Jinyoung could not finish his sentence.

Mark gazed at Jinyoung, "After all what?"

After all, we would be nothing in the end. Jinyoung kept these words to himself; he did not want ruin the atmosphere when they could just enjoy this alone time.

"Nothing. I understand we can't meet each other often."

"Are you still upset about my parents' words?" Mark said, taking Jinyoung's hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't intend it to turn out like that. They like you though. Didn't they say you should visit there often?"

It was only because they had no idea of what kind of relationship he and Mark had. Jinyoung tried to shut out these thoughts, at least for now.

"I was upset," Jinyoung said, turning to Mark, "And maybe, I still am. But you can make up for it."

An amused smile played on Mark's lips, "How can I?"

"Make me fall harder for you," Jinyoung whispered, with a grin.

Mark's smile faltered a little as he looked at Jinyoung in the eyes. "Is that what you want? Fall harder for me? I thought it was something you'd hate."

"Why? Because you can't reciprocate my feelings?"

"Because I know it'll hurt you more. Even now I feel like you should've never had feelings for me," Mark said.

"It's not like I can stop them, Mark. Seems like I just love playing with fire," Jinyoung smiled and pushed Mark, who landed on his back on the bed. He chuckled when Jinyoung hovered over him and planted a wet kiss on his neck, before attending to his lips.

With their lips still locked, Mark flipped them so that he could be on top of Jinyoung. "You're so desperate, Jinyoung ah." Mark's soft kisses down his jaw and throat tickled Jinyoung and he could not suppress a series of moans.

"As if you were not," Jinyoung muttered breathlessly, when Mark started to take off his own clothes and then helped Jinyoung remove his. "Jackson's gonna complain tomorrow." Jinyoung bit his lip as he watched Mark's naked body and his own exposed.

"Let him. And don't hold back your moans." Their lips found each other again, moving sloppily and messily. It was too hard to focus on the kiss when their aroused groins kept moving against each other, leading to the blinding pleasure.

Along with his slightly trembling legs because of the excitement, Jinyoung felt how his heart was also pounding against his chest, threateningly fast. Amidst all these heavenly pleasure and leaping heart, however, there was fear, which had always been there somewhere inside him.

Mark prepared him carefully, before entering him slowly. Mark was right; the harder he fell for Mark, the harder it was for him to let go of Mark or to imagine what kind of ending was waiting for him. He did not want to imagine. At least, not now. At the moment, Mark's gentle touches and their intimacy were all he needed.

Mark moved faster, eliciting constant groans and moans from Jinyoung; and it was driving them crazy. They came not long afterwards and Mark collapsed into Jinyoung's arms. Then they were lying in each other's arms, in silence. It must have been several minutes later when Jinyoung spoke. "Is it just impossible? To fall for me?"

Mark hummed in response, sounding half-asleep. Jinyoung found it cute that Mark always tended to fall asleep after sex. It was already late but he did not want to let go of Mark yet. He let Mark sleep and it was already half past eleven when he woke up Mark.

Soon afterwards, he was again watching Mark leave, knowing it would be at least a few days before they could meet again.

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