Chapter 21

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During the daytime, his father was usually out for work and Jinyoung and his mother were the only ones home. It had been a week since the graduation and he was still here at his parents' place, although his conscience was nagging him that it was about time he had already moved on and faced the reality.

Jinyoung watched his mother cooking, like he used to when he had been a child. Despite her age, she was still quick and alert, and had strong eyesight. She was recounting some of his childhood stories, which certainly made him forget Mark. At least, at the moment.

Soon, she was already finished and Jinyoung helped her clean the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?"

Jinyoung shook his head, "It's still early, Mom. But if you're hungry, we can have lunch now."

"No," she stopped mopping the counter and looked at him, "Go and wait in the living-room. I'll follow. I've something to say."

Jinyoung felt himself freeze for a moment. It had been a relief that she had never asked if something was bothering him after that one time in his room. What was it that she wanted to say now? He silently hoped it was not about him looking kind of miserable.

Nevertheless, Jinyoung washed his hands and did as he was told. A few minutes later, his mother appeared in the living-room and sat down beside him.

"It was a pity that we couldn't celebrate your birthday," she started, affection evident in her eyes, which set Jinyoung at ease. "It's been months since your birthday. So I guess this'll be our late birthday present. Can you guess what it is?"

Jinyoung let out a relieved sigh and could smile again. "I've no idea."

"How about a trip to Rome? Do you like it? Or-"

"Mom," Jinyoung pulled her for a tight hug and heard her laugh, "I like it! You've no idea. So you still remember that? When I already forgot that."

When he had finished highschool, the only thing he had wished for and asked his parents for was a visit to Italy, especially Rome. But at that time, they were saving for his university tuition fees and could not spare any money for that trip. Even though his father was a sales manager, the campany he worked for was not that big and he was not much well-paid.

"Of course, it was always in our mind. Just decide the date. I'll put the money into your account. Cheer up."

The last words almost made Jinyoung teary. After all, she knew he was not in the best state.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you. Both you and Dad," Jinyoung tightened his hands around her, instead of letting go of her.

"Anything for you," she said, patting him on the back, "Just enjoy yourself there. And come back, safe, new and fresh."

"I promise." 'New', that was the word; he hoped he could keep that promise.

"So you finally call me?" That was the very first thing Jinyoung heard, as soon as his call was answered. "At last, you can't help but miss me, right?"

"I always miss you."

He heard Jackson huff from the other end, "And I was always the one who had to call you first. Wait, you're calling because you're coming back? Finally!"

"Jackson, stop. I'm not coming back. Not yet. But guess what, I'm going to Italy! I just wanted to share this good news with you."

The line went quiet and then Jinyoung heard Jackson's voice that cracked. "So you're leaving me forever. That's good news? How can you? I thought we were friends for life. And you don't even sound upset."

Jinyoung could not help but burst out laughing at the end of Jackson's words.

"Why're you laughing! I feel so betrayed."

Jinyoung had to take a moment to regain his composure, before saying, "Who said I was going to live there? It's just a trip. Calm down, okay? It'll just take a few days at most."

"Thank God, I was wrong," Jackson laughed, "When're you going? Italy, that sounds exciting! Hey, I'll see you off at the airport. How about you take me along? That sounds even more exciting."

"At your own expense. Actually, this is my parents' birthday present for me. I think my mother knows something's wrong with me."

That made Jackson quiet for a moment and he was clearing his throat. "Speaking of which, I've also got some news. Don't freak out, okay? I know it'll hurt you. We saw it coming sooner or later anyway."

Just Jackson's tone and words quickened Jinyoung's heartbeats, in nervousness. That sounded like bad news. Was there anything that could hurt him more than now?


"I heard from Wendy that Mark and Haewon are preparing for their wedding. She said it'll be next month. It sounds like they're rushing it. Don't know why though."

If his heart had been beating fast earlier, that pace was nothing compared to the current one. He had expected this news but never known it would be coming so soon. He had to bite his lip hard to fight back tears; he felt stupid every time he had to shed tears for Mark. Shouldn't he be glad that this was the closure he needed? But his wrenched heart was saying otherwise.

"Jinyoung... Jinyoung? Are you okay?" Jackson's voice brought him back to reality and it was when he realised there were already tears on his face.

"I'm fine." He knew he did not sound convinced. "Next month, huh? We're not invited, I guess. At least, I'm not."

"As if we'd attend it even if we were invited. But I don't know if they'll invite us or not. I'm worried about you. Don't suffer too much."

"I'll try not to," Jinyoung said, wiping his tears. "Do you know the exact date?"

"No," Jackson said, "Wait, Wendy showed me Haewon's post on her IG. I remember there was the date. Maybe, you can check it. But, Jinyoung, are you, perhaps, telling me that you're going there?"

"Of course not. I'll check first. I'll call you later, okay?"

Later, the call ended and Jinyoung went straight to instagram on his phone, to search for Haewon's account. It was an easy search and he looked at the posts.

There, he saw the last post; it was a photo of, he assumed, Mark's and Haewon's hands interlaced with the rings on their fourth fingers. The caption read: 'Big, special day coming soon' with the ring and heart emojis. There was also the date, 12th March. As Jackson had said, it would be next month.

12th March. That was it. The date for his Rome trip was decided. On that day, he would be away, all away from the country and reality.

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