Chapter 15

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The final exams were drawing near. The students, especially those who were going to graduate, put their personal cases aside and focused on the studies. Jinyoung was just one of them. He remained in the library in between or after the classes for his research, and Jackson was often wth him.

Their spare time had been reduced and Mark had also visited Jinyoung at the apartment, less often. Jinyoung wondered what would happen to him and Mark after their finals were over. Would they meet as often as now? Or Mark would pay him visits just like he did now?

With several books opened on the table before him, Jinyoung was analysing the related facts and information for his paper when Mark popped up. He had bought two lattes for himself and Jinyoung and took the seat next to Jinyoung.

"Take a rest," Mark said, his hands squeezing Jinyoung's shoulders for a massage.

"Ahh, my boyfriend's so nice," Jinyoung said, in a whisper, so that the others at the tables nearby would not hear him. He stretched and sipped the latte, not minding that Mark was distracting him.

"How's it going?" Mark nodded at Jinyoung's notebook. "Nearly finished?"

"Halfway. I'm more worried about the presentation. What if I fail it? What if I can't answer their questions?"

"Shh," Mark took Jinyoung's hand, squeezing it gently, "You'll pass. We'll. Just show them what you've got. Wanna go somewhere after this?"

It was already four in the late afternoon and by the time he left the library, it would be dark. Jinyoung shook his head, "Nah. I need a rest. You do too. But why do you look so calm and nonchalant?"

"Because I'm trying to. I don't want to look uncool in front of my boyfriend. What if he runs away from me again?" Mark said, with an amused smirk, which earned a light punch on the arm from Jinyoung. "What? I was saying the truth."

"You know I'm never going to run away from you for such a reason."

"I'm just kidding," Mark chuckled.

"Thanks, by the way," Jinyoung said with a smile, lifting his latte and then sipping it. He looked around the library and was suddenly reminded of how he had first met Mark here.

As if Mark could read his thoughts, he said, "Back then you were just a clumsy, cute guy in my eyes."

"Cute? Was I? What about now then? Am I still cute?"

Mark smiled and just stared at Jinyoung, before answering, "No."

"No?" Jinyoung showed his disappointment.

"No. You're beautiful."

"What the hell," Jinyoung laughed, "Stop making me fall harder for you."

"I thought that was what you wanted?" Mark raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Remember? You said that yourself."

"I was stupid back then. Don't take that seriously." All the while, Jinyoung's heart was flitting and it was a pity that he could not touch Mark as he wanted, here.

"You think it's stupid for you to fall harder for me? Ah, it hurts. You're so cruel," Mark whined, pressing a hand against his chest, eliciting a laugh from Jinyoung.

"Stop. Before the librarian kicks us out."

"Yes, mister."

Jinyoung waited in line to order and get the food at the canteen, while Jackson and Wendy were having their time at their usual table. Looked like Jackson was ranting about the studies, based on his occasional pouts and puppy eyes at Wendy, and she was comforting him.

Jinyoung smiled; it had been quite a long time since he had seen Jackson like that. Suddenly he missed Mark and imagined how it would feel like for them to openly date like that.

He got back to the table after he had been given the food tray. Wendy thanked him, before taking her lunch meal on the tray. It was usual that he and Jackson would take turns to wait in line for food here.

"Stop exaggerating everything, Jackson. You make it sound like you'd not slept for three consecutive nights," Jinyoung said.

"Because I hadn't!" Jackson defended.

"But every morning I wake up, I just find you sleeping in your room. Don't forget I'm your roommate."

Before Jackson could reply, Wendy interrupted, "Look, is that Mark? What's he doing here?"

Jinyoung turned to find Mark in the canteen - the canteen for the Psychology Department - looking a little lost and with his eyes looking around.

It seemed Mark could feel their eyes on him and turned to their direction, before brightening up. He gave them a wave and came straight to them.

Jackson snorted but Mark did not seem to notice that and took a seat beside Jinyoung, apparently in high spirits.

"Why're you alone?" Jinyoung asked Mark and looked around in case Haewon popped up.

"Haewon's absent. She's not feeling well," Wendy answered, instead, "But where're Jae and Young K?"

"Well, it's not like they can't live without me. I told them I was joining you three here."

"Nice of you to think of us when someone's not around," said Jackson, not without a trace of sarcasm.

"I've always wanted to join you guys," Mark said, not probably realising Jackson's intention. Then he turned to Jinyoung, who gave him a smile. "Let's meet in the library after the classes?"

"Oh, I didn't know you two were that close," Wendy said. "That's great. Jinyoung doesn't have many friends."

Jinyoung felt Mark's hand gripping his under the table and placing their hands on his thigh, "I need to eat, Mark."

"Share that with me? I'm hungry, too."

"Yeah. My hand." Jinyoung tugged at Mark's hand, teasingly, and Mark let go of his hand with a laugh. It was so cute that Jinyoung had to swallow down his desire to draw Mark closer and keep him in his hands. If only there was no need to hide their relationship.

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