Chapter 20

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The graduation ceremony was going on. It would be an understatement to say that Jinyoung was nervous. Just imagining himself walking on that stage in this graduation gown and being in front of all these people in the hall, he was both excited and anxious.

Jackson was six seats away from him; otherwise they could have talked. Another three more rows and it would be their turn. It seemed to him time had passed too fast and before he even knew if he was ready, he, along with the others in his row, was already being signalled to come out and stand in line.

This university graduation was the very last graduation he would ever have. And as he walked up the stage and to the presiding officer in the centre, all he felt was thrill. That was it. He was now a graduate.

When he returned to the seat, he felt more at ease and watched other students going through the same process, with mild interest.

Until it was the turn of the students from Business major. Seeing Mark again. He looked more handsome than ever in the graduation cap and gown, and his strides confident.

Jinyoung missed Mark. But all he could do was watching Mark, from afar, like he was doing right now. After this graduation, there was no more way for their paths to cross. Mark would continue his own life, and Jinyoung his own.

The moment Mark's eyes turned to the audience below, Jinyoung felt his heart leap, ending in a painful ache. Still, his lips turned to a smile, when he witnessed Mark's smile, which lasted just for a moment.

Jinyoung's parents and Jackson's, who had flown from Hong Kong just for the graduation, were talking in broken Korean, while Jinyoung and Jackson were taking pictures, both together and of each other, while waiting for Wendy, who texted Jackson that she was still with her parents.

The usually quiet campus was filled with the graduates' and guests' chatters. Jinyoung and Jackson went over the photos taken and found most of those taken together were blurry or had one of them out of frame.

"That's why we should've hired a photographer," Jackson whined, "These don't seem worth printing out."

"I never said we shouldn't. It was you who said you'd take charge of it and then forgot to hire any," Jinyoung pointed out, which made Jackson groan.

"You didn't remind me."

Later, they asked a male graduate who looked not busy and was standing nearby to take some pictures of them with their parents.

After enough photos had been taken, they were thanking the graduate, and it was when a loud 'hey, guys' called their attention. It was, of course, Wendy. But what they had not expected was that she was together with Haewon, Mark, Jae and Young K.

"Seems like your friends are here. We'll wait at the car park," Jinyoung's father said and led the other three away.

It had been nearly two months since Jinyoung had looked Mark in the eyes. He could keep Mark's eyes on him for a minute or two before he saw Mark's gaze shifting away.

As usual, Mark looked indifferent and Jinyoung was no more surprised. Still, in the back of his mind, he wished Mark had not been that nonchalant.

"Long time no see. How're you doing?" Haewon said, looking at Jinyoung and Jackson.

"Oh, we're doing all fine. Nothing could be better, actually. We've our new, exciting life ahead, don't we?" Jackson said. It was so obvious to Jinyoung that he was exaggerating it, more for the fact that he knew Jinyoung had been miserable for the past two months.

In a moment, Jinyoung felt Mark's eyes turning to him. Maybe, he did not belive Jackson's words. Jinyoung managed to look a little more optimistic, trying to play along with Jackson. But he was sure Mark would see through him.

Strangers. It was what Jinyoung felt he and Mark were to each other, now. There was not even a greeting or small talk. At some point, he thought of saying 'congratulations' or something like that to Mark and Haewon. But, he would just sound sarcastic or insincere and remained silent.

Jackson was talking with Wendy and planning their date tonight. The others were in an awkward silence.

"Does your department also hold graduation party this evening?" Haewon asked Jinyoung.

"Yeah. Does yours too?"

"Yes. It'll be kind of boring, I guess? But this is the last activity we can have here. So why not?"

Jinyoung just hummed in response. Somehow, he wondered if Mark felt anything to see his girlfriend and ex talking right in front of him. It was nothing strange, however; Mark might be already used to it. And there would be nothing like this anymore, after this encounter.

"Why don't we take a picture together?" Wendy finally turned back to them. "Come on, guys. This is a perfect occasion."

Wendy was already asking someone nearby. Jackson took a concerned glance at Jinyoung and drew him to his side as they took their places and posed for a picture. And another and another.

"Perfect!" Wendy showed the others the photos, which were taken with her phone. "It's really the end, isn't it? We don't know when we'll ever be all together like this again."

"This is a goodbye," Jinyoung said, in a whisper. He was not sure if anyone heard him but he wished Mark had. This was their goodbye. If he had had a chance to say something to Mark before they parted, he, at least, wanted to say goodbye.

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