Chapter 2

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Jackson had his hand around Jinyoung's shoulder as they walked to their class. On the way, Jackson greeted some of his friends who Jinyoung had never met before. Jackson was a social butterfly, totally different from Jinyoung, who had only Jackson - and maybe, Wendy too - as his friend.


"Hey, babe!" Jackson withdrew his hand from Jinyoung just to hug Wendy. A chaste kiss on the lips was what followed; Jinyoung was already used to this sight.

"Hey, Jinyoung," Wendy greeted Jinyoung, with a small wave.

"Hey, morning. Going to the class?" As Wendy was from Business major, none of their classes was the same. It was not surprising that Jackson had got a girlfriend from a different department, given his sociability.

"Yeah," Wendy gave him a brief answer, before turing back to Jackson. Jinyoung could understand them as they could meet and talk only in between the classes.

Jinyoung let them talk and his eyes wandered around. That was when his eyes fell on someone unexpected; he had to blink multiple times to make sure his eyes were not playing tricks on him. Because he could not believe he was looking at that charming guy from the library. The library guy was not alone but with his friends, Jinyoung assumed, talking in the hallway.

Jinyoung felt his heart starting to race and could not turn his eyes away from the gorgeous guy. Just like yesterday, he was so charming, with his smile so captivating. He did not notice Jinyoung and what they were talking about, Jinyoung could not hear.

Jinyoung turned to Jackson, who was talking with Wendy, and called him. As soon as he got Jackson's attention, he mouthed 'that guy' and subtly pointed at the direction of the group.

'Which one?' Jackson mouthed back, seeing that there were three guys and one girl in the group. But he guessed who it could be, according to Jinyoung's description. The guy with a beautiful smile.

Wendy watched their interaction and then asked, "You know them?"

"Who?" Jackson asked innocently.

"Them. My classmates. Weren't you just talking about them?"

"Omg, Jinyoung, Wendy knows them!" Jackson grabbed Jinyoung's arm and pulled him closer. Jinyoung wished Jackson had not been that loud but he brightened up, nonetheless, due to this information.

"One of them helped him yesterday and he couldn't say 'thank you' to him. So, babe, you can help Jinyoung?"

This time, Jinyoung was really grateful to Jackson because he was pretty much speechless just like yesterday.

Wendy led them to the group and called the girl, "Hey, Haewon!"

The whole group's attention turned to them and Jinyoung gasped when his eyes met the beautiful guy's. Jinyoung was not sure if the guy recognised him but noticed the smile did not leave his pretty lips.

"Oh, Wendy! What're you doing here?" Haewon asked, with a glance at Jackson and Jinyoung.

"I'm chatting with my boyfriend. This is Jackson, my love, and this is Jinyoung. And here, Haewon, Mark, Jae and Young K."

Mark. Jinyoung murmured internally and he liked the sound of it already. He noticed he was staring at Mark too long and shifted his eyes. But another moment, his eyes were back on Mark.

He cleared his throat, "Umm, you helped me in the library yesterday. And... and I couldn't thank you. Thank you so much."

"Oh, I remember it. That was just nothing. You're Wendy's friend?"


Haewon nudged Mark and looked at him with the questioning eyes.

"I helped Jinyoung pick up the books in the library," Mark said to Haewon. Jinyoung could not hide his disappointment that ran across his face when Haewon, naturally, linked her arm with Mark's. Mark was taken? That was too devastating for Jinyoung to accept.

"Maybe, we should head for the class already?" Jackson said. He gave Wendy a goodbye kiss and then after waving at the other group, he took Jinyoung away from them.

"Forget him, Jinyoung," Jackson said, when they were out of earshot.

"You saw that too?" Jinyoung asked, "Of course, someone like him couldn't be single. And, most surely, he must be straight. That's just all hopeless."

Today couldn't be worse than now. It was unfair that he was feeling that broken for someone who he had only met twice. Even amidst this heartbreak, a part of him wanted to know more about Mark. No, he should forget Mark. It was better to withdraw now, instead of letting his heart break even more.

It was not easy, however. That encounter in the morning had bothered and distracted him the whole day. At last, he gave up. It was impossible to forget Mark, at least, now.

After all the classes, Jackson was going to meet Wendy and Jinyoung asked him to inquire more about Mark of her. Jackson was not fond of the idea - he did not want his friend to suffer - but agreed to it at last when Jinyoung was almost begging him.

"His full name is Mark Tuan. He's quite popular in his department, simply because of his looks," Jackson said. He was back at the shared apartment and reporting what he had found about Mark, to Jinyoung.

"Mark Tuan. And popular? I guessed so. And?"

"As you know, he has a girlfriend, Haewon, who he's been dating since high school. They're one of the strong couples on the campus."

"Dating since high school?" Jinyoung murmured, disheartened. His slim hope that she could be just Mark's fling, vanished into thin air. Who was he to interfere in such a long relationship?

"And it seems like their parents approve of them too. Jinyoung, it's not worth a try. The answer's already there. Just forget him, okay?"

"What am I supposed to do other than that?" Jinyoung said, running both of his hands through his hair. He should not take this risk because in the end, it was he who was going to suffer. Like Jackson said, the answer was already there.

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