Teaser- Jang Wonyoung

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"So Wonyoung, how have you been? It's over 4 years now and you're still head over heels for Yujin? "

"Shut up, she doesn't even know I'm inlove with her and that's fine as long as no one owns her. "

"Really? What if there's someone unexpected, like she can catch Yujin's attention so easily then made her a tsundere type of person? "

"That would never happen, I've known Yujin for so long and that thought would be absurd to happen. "

"Well, suit yourself. I'm just warning you. "

"Why would you warn me? You know me, right? You know what I would do to the person who'll steal Yujin away from me. If I say Yujin's mine, then she's only mine. "

"Look, is that Yujin with her new colored hair?"

"Nice try but you won't trick-" I stopped talking when I heard people whispering

"Oh gosh, she looks handsome and beautiful on that new hair of hers"

"I know, right? That's new to us but is coloring hair legal in the campus? "

"Yeah, since this is a rich school. They allow students to do what we want to do for ourselves"

I turn my head for me to see my Yujin. My handsome girl. She's so charming by just walking and her cold personality makes me fall inlove with her even more.

"Uhm hey, talk to you later. I got business to do"

"But-" I didn't hear her last words because I'm already far from her, of course I'm running fast just to catch up with Yujin

"Yujin! " I shouted but she's still continuing to walk like she did not heard me at all

I went infront of her to notice me "Yujiiinnn! " I shouted again then starts to pout

"What do you want now? "

"You hehe" then I cheekily smiled

"Get out of my way"

"But I don't want to" I pouted one more time

"Get out or I'll throw all away your Pringles and burn your favorite T-shirt"

I gasped "you meany! I'm not talking to you anymore" I said with a frown

"Better, now go away." Geez, this girl, seriously

"Why are you so mean Yujin unnie? " then pouts once again

She leans her body towards me 'omo is she gonna kiss me?' I blush at the thought of it

"Because.. " she whispers beside my ear, feeling her hot breath gives me the chills.

"I don't care and it's none of your business" she says then starts to walk away

'What a weird response, why does she have to lean towards me like that? Well, even though I find it weird, I also love it. ' I smirk at the thought of her kissing me

"Someday Yujin, you'll be inlove with me too and make you want me more. I won't let my Yujin be stolen by someone from me or else I'll kill that person" I mumbled

 I won't let my Yujin be stolen by someone from me or else I'll kill that person" I mumbled

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