;;- One

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Hearing the school bell rings, says that I'm already late. Of course, I wouldn't be conscious of being late because I'm still a transferee and it's my first day here in Franklin High School.

I walk inside the building revealing few of the students standing and chit chatting on the hallway 'maybe they already know that the teacher will be late today' I thought

I was still mesmerize that the school is pretty fancy, looks like the school's for rich kids.. Considering the tuition is very expensive, the school uniform and everything. But good thing the allowance of my part time job is high and that mom side she would like me to transfer at a pretty expensive school because they teach very well, not like the other schools. Yes we're poor but because of my visual, it gave me an easy way to get a part time job which is modeling. I don't know if you can consider it as a part time job but I like to call it that way because in fact I'm still a student.

Finding the office inside the building is very hard because the building is very big.

"Uhm, excuse me.. are you new here?" a feminine voice whispers behind me while tapping my back. I startled a little bit because it was so sudden of her to do that unexpectedly.

I turn around revealing a girl who looks younger than me,

"Are you lost?" she ask once again

"Y-yeah, I'm a transfer student here. I'm finding the principal's office though, can you help me find where it is?" I ask shyly, I'm so bad at communicating with people because you know.. this is the first time I have ever transfer to a new school, a rich one perhaps.

"Oh, follow me" she then walks immediately after ordering me to follow her.

While I'm following her, my steps had began to slow down because I'm admiring the school building. It's very large and a very fancy school, the other stairs aren't just stairs but escalators.. there are elevators you can use too and the lockers only works with your fingerprint or you have to scan your eyes.

"Yah, you're too slow. Are you a turtle or something? Can you walk faster? I might be late for class, I have more important things to do" she said with an annoying tone

"S-sorry, I–"

She cuts me off, saying "You know, what? Just make your steps faster and by the way, can you tell me your name?"

"Oh, I'm Minju.. Kim Minju"

"Kim Minju, what an interesting name.. and by the way, you're pretty but you're too slow" she smiles but immiadetly turns into a poker face, what's wrong with this girl?

"Can you atleast also tell me your name?"

"Why should I?"

"I also told mine. So to be fair, tell me yours."

"But I'm not going to be fair, our height isn't the same so it's not fair" then she started to pout, oh gosh this girl is so effin' cute

"Well, heights doesn't matter though. Maybe there are still people who's shorter than you"

"You mean Nako?"

"Who's that–"

"What did you said?" I turn around, revealing a short girl who's as small as the other girl whom I'm with. I noticed the girl beside me didn't turn around but is trembling in fear. Wait, is this Nako that she's talking about?

"Turn around bitch" I also started to tremble when I felt that her voice sounds very angry.

"Minju-yah, let's run at the count of three. Okay?" the girl beside me whispers . I just frozen because the girl infront of me is walking towards us.. shit

"I said, what did you jus–" she was cut off when the girl I am with just starts to shout

"–THREE!" she grab my hand, then starts to ran fast enough

"Oh, you won't get away with this Yuri! Mark my word!" The girl named Nako shouted

"So your name's Yuri?"

"Yes" she replies with a short answer because we're still running away from the short one

I turn my head around, seeing Nako sprinted fast to catch up with us. Ohmayghandis this is too scary, she's short but we fear her so much

"Let's split up, Minju-yah. The principal's office is just on the next floor and beside the clinic. I'll meet you there when you're done with getting all the things that you need like your schedule and stuff. Okay? "

"Okay" I shortly replied

"You bitches! You're making me tired from running, get back here!"

"I'll distract her and make her follow while you run to the principal's office" she said then pause without my answer


"YOU BITCH, I'LL MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE AND SHOW YOU NO MERCY!" then she started to run faster in full speed while I'm sneeking to get to the principal's office as what Yuri had told me.

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