;;- Twenty four 2-2

434 18 5


"Ahh, this corpses that Wonyoung left.. it stinks"
I said to myself as I wrinkled my nose

"Where is—"

I was cut off by a knock on my door, I went then open it

"Wonyoung, why'd you left the corp-" I froze

'I should not have opened the door' I thought

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the rascal. Now, what were you about to say? Come on, continue"


"Oh why? Are you keeping secrets from me now? You dirty little girl. Now, now.. what are you hiding from me?" He creepily said with his raspy voice as he smirks

I shivered as he got closer and closer, walking from behind me and whispers from my ears

"You don't wanna end up like your mother, do you?"


"What? You're shouting now?" He pushed me with his strong leg

"You little shit, you think you can shout at me like that? You're not the boss of me here, I am! So shut the fuck up and tell me what you were doing down there. I thought I told you to stay out"

"I.. I'm so..rry—"

"What? You have a friend now?"

I look up, seeing Wonyoung in shock as she's staring at us

"Ch-chaewon.." she mutters

"Wonyoung! You need to get out of here now!"

"Ah, you're no fun. Considering that she's here without my permission, it's still trespassing. In order to make it up, you two shall be punished" he lightly took of his feet from me

"The fun's just about to start, brats"

'No.. Dad, please.. I'm begging'

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