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When she said I will eat what I said if I'll try to go here, she's expecting wrong. I don't even get what's so fun in this amusement park, I mean... really.

"Having fun Yujin? Would you admit it already?"

"No because I haven't felt any fun at all"

"Aweee, you're just missing it hmm, alright, let me take you to a ride"

"What kind?"

"You'll see" after what she said, she already starts to drag me even though I haven't agreed to her yet but oh well, she's gonna be the one paying after all

On second thought, as soon as I thought, I shouldn't have agreed that she'd drag me. Sure I like peace, and am scary enough that everyone thought I'm not afraid of any thing but damn... I have a phobia of heights and I hate it

"Uh, Minju?" I called her while my palms are sweating

"Yes Yujin? Eat your words already?"

"No, actually..."

"What? What's wrong?"

"I have to ask you, why did you have to drag me in this Ferris wheel again?"

"Yujin, I already know that you're a calm person so I figured it out already that you love peaceful places like this ride. And because... I always saw you at the beach sitting on the sad every early morning, watching the sun rise" she looks at the sky after saying everything she had to, I looked at her by surprise but she didn't noticed it. As I noticed that I was scanning her face, I blushed... Hold up, what am I blushing for?

"Yujin, I also want you to ride this Ferris wheel because I rode it with someone before and it was my first time. That someone is very extra special to me. I remember how she would call me by my nickname she made for me but... Love is really such a fool game. I had to part ways with her without saying goodbye and not letting her know the reason why. I'm sure we'll be destined to meet again someday" she spokes again as she looks at me then started to stare into me eyes. Why do I feel so fluttered every time she looks at my eyes? Why do I feel like she's somewhat familiar to me and her stories?



"How would you feel if someone leave you so suddenly that you also haven't even noticed that she already left you without saying goodbye nor telling the real reason?"

"Of course I would feel hurt, it would be the first time to love someone that strong and how I am deeply in love with her. If she has to do something that keeps her very busy, I'd just have to wait for her... If she loves me, she'd come back. I can't do anything because I don't know where she'd be. She's already gone long ago but here I am... still waiting for the girl I love the most. I promised her that she'll be the last person I'll love"

"That's sad"

"There's no need to be sad about. We can't do anything about it anymore but I believe she's doing her best with what she has to do. I just hope she won't be stressing so hard with it"



"Do you not notice anything?"

"Notice what?"

"Can you describe that person you're waiting for?"

"Well she have this beautiful eyes that I cannot be able to look with other people anymore and that she already captured my heart, she sure is and looks like a daughter of Aphrodite, whenever I talk to her... I always feel comfortable talking with her and how she made me feel like she's the only person I'm comfortable with, she's kind and sweet, most importantly... she will always be my ideal girl and no one can replace her in my heart"


"Yes, Minju?"

"Then why do you feel so comfortable with me? Why are you always staring at my eyes?"

"I don't know, I just feel like I already know you"

"Like who?"

"The person whom I was talking about"

"Yujin?" She calls me with a calming voice


"Please hear your heart, who do you think I am?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just think about it properly and you'll soon find it out"

"Do you mean that you look so similar with the person I was talking about?"

"It's for you to find out, now... who do you think I am?"

"Are you... Minguri? If not, then I'm sorry if I guess wrong"

"Who said you were wrong? Yudaeng, I miss you"


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