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Honestly, I'm getting nosy now. What does she want to do with that girl? I mean, she's nothing but a complete stranger

Eh, I don't have to snuck into people's noses. I'm already contented of living in a peaceful life

"Or I wouldn't say it's already peaceful, I just felt like there's something missing. What could it possibly be?" as I thought very hard, I never even noticed that someone is already infront of me... staring into my eyes and this feeling is some what familiar... Could it be?

"What's been troubling you, Yudaeng? And what do you mean by 'there's something missing' huh? You seem kinda weird"

"Eeh? How long have you been infront of me?"

"Oh Yudaeng, you're always so careless"

"Who are you anyway?"

"Ouch, we just haven't had communications for who knows how long it has been then you already don't remember me? Hmmp meaaann"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm giving you clues and you're still clueless? Geez, use your brain dumb dumb. It's not like I'm always forever in a hospital"

"Wait, don't tell me you're..."

"Yes, Yudaeng. It's me, you're best childhood friend"


So, those two have already reunited once again, huh? I bet Yujin won't be having Minmin after all, she's all mine. And once I'll have Minju to drink this so called formula I had made, she would be able to be inlove with me and only me. While we have that, we'd share the same passionate love for each other... once and for all, then without forcing her to do it with me.

Wait... Shouldn't I be aware of Dad's presence? I mean, like... He'd be mad if he finds out what I'm gonna be doing with Minju, and after all, he still sees me as his baby

Somehow, I'll find a way to get him out of my way. And this blade that I had made, can easily kill someone even with just a single wound, even if it's only an accident... It would make someone suffer then be sentenced to death in just a minute. If only I can kill someone right now but there are dozens of people around.



Pity is the only word I'd never wanted to hear...

They pity someone who isn't capable of being hurt, who isn't capable of being an outcast...

This beauty of mine is easier to use for manipulating people...

In any way, I don't want people to even know the real me

I can somehow act like I'm a carefree and innocent person but, if only they'd know

I would rather guess that they don't want to befriend me if I'm like this, and what if... what if I can never hold on much longer...

This side of mine seems kinda dangerous for them but it is making me feel pleasant

"Why am I here?" the victim whispers

"Oh, you're already awake, my peasant?"

"I'm no one's peasant" she whispers with anger while still lowering her head down

"I see that you aren't delighted with how I am treating you right now"

"As if I am"

"Say... How about if Yujin steps on you, would you like that? Of course you would, your obsession for Yujin is longer than I can remember"

"Just who are you and why are you doing this to me?"

"Oh can't you easily tell already? I thought you're smart enough to figure it out yourself"

"Are you not inlove with Yujin?"

"Oh, darling. If only you knew"

"You like her, don't you?"

"Na ah, I'd rather use the word love instead of like if I'm already deeply inlove with her"

"Since when?"

"Longer than you expected"

"Aren't you being some kind of a person who stalks their love ones daily?"

"Let's say it's my hobby"

"How and why?"

"You're such a nosy girl, Hyewon-ah"


"Since it's dark here, you can easily recognize my voice if I say your name"

"I know that but why? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Hyewon... I'm your best friend, right?"

"Of course you are but you shouldn't be doing this to me"

"If I shouldn't then I could've been murdered by you right now"

"That's not true, Min-"

"Not true? Then explain why were you listening to our conversation and even glaring at me"

"I uhh..."

"You're jealous, am I not wrong?"


"As I expected from my bestfriend. You're the one who's always telling me that best friends should support each other whatever makes them happy. You're making it look like you don't want me to be with her instead of supporting my own happiness?"

"Minju, that's not what I'm trying to say"

"Then what is?"

"Love isn't supposed to be involve in it"

"You know that you're making the situation worse, right?"

"I know but... Love is a total competition for the both of us, if it's both making us happy then the person we love is the one who'll decide whom she will make one of us happy in the end"

"Competition, huh? This sounds interesting"

"How about this. I'll transfer tomorrow to the school you're studying and let's do our best to get her, got it?"

"But there's also someone who's been obsessed with her"

"Well this is going to be an interesting competition for the three of us"

I smirk, knowing that it would be fun if that person is gonna be involve in the competition "We wouldn't worry about her being a loser because I know she doesn't want to lose, to let you know... or should I say in fact, she's a yandere type of person" I smirk once again

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