;;- Two

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"Ugh, why do I have to go to school"

"Pups, we're gonna get late if you don't move quickly"

"Stop calling me that and since when did you start worrying about getting late, this isn't you"

"You know, I wanted to see that girl on my first day in school again"

"Oh, that girl named Yuki? I don't care"

"It's Yuri and of course you don't care because, well, you're Yujin after all. Come on Yujin, atleast let some other person enter your life"

"I'll think about it" she immediately smile widely when I said those but of course, I'm gonna let her lose her hopes

"And my answer is no.. " she frown

"I'm already contented with you, why would I let another person enter my life?"

"Atleast let that person in, it's not like I'm always by your side, Yujin" she said then sigh

"Go and take a shower already" she said

After we stopped talking, I get my clothes in the closet then went to the bathroom. Of course, I don't want to shower, so I just put my clothes on and started to spray perfume all over me

After I'm done, I went to the living room to spot the annoying duck again. She stood up, walks towards me then starts to sniff me

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask annoyingly

"You're using perfume. You didn't took any shower again, am I right?"

"You know–"

"I know, what?"

"You're so annoying, you should shut up"

"You're mean puppy, you weren't like this back then, not until that thing happened"

I glared at her then "Don't ever mention that again"

"What? Don't you glare at me, I'm used to your glaring shit, you know. You should stop that because it's scaring people out"

"Why should I care?"


"And weren't you worrying about being late?"

"Oh shoot, I forgot about it. Dang it!"

"Idiot" I whispered

"What was that?"


While we're already at the school, Yena suddenly stops from her track.. I gave a questionable face then she looks at me

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Did you know that there's gonna be a transfer student today?"

"That's natural and why do we care? It's not like it's our business to take care of them, it's the students council"

"Good point. Let's go to our classroom now, shall we?"

"Oh wait, I wanna buy some Cola at the vending machine. I'm in the mood for it"

"Dude, you're always in the mood for Cola, and that you and Eunbi had to fight which drink is better"

"Shut it, we all know that Cola's the best"

"Sure, sure.. Enjoy your drink, I'm gonna head to the classroom. I'll reserve your favorite spot"

"Thanks, you're the best"

While Yena was already gone, I'm now left alone. Finally, some peace and quie–

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" oh no, my joy of peace has been ruined and that voice..

I took a peek and saw that the midget os already angry, well like I care.

After I already drank all of my Cola, I feel like my stomach is aching so badly.. Geez, so this is what it feels like to be always drinking soft drinks early in the morning. I rush to clinic as fast as I can to seek for help from the nurse but someone just suddenly bump at me.

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