Teaser- Kim Chaewon

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I wish people wouldn't know the real me, because if they did.. Dad will surely kill me

"Hey Chaewon, what's bugging you? You've been spacing out lately" then came back to my realization when someone interrupted my thoughts

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just thinking about what to order" I gave an awkward smile which my friend finds it weird for me to smile like that

"Uhm okay? "

"You can just wait at our table and I'll order our food, don't worry" I sweetly smile

"Jinja? You're paying? " then I nodded

"Waah, you really are nice Chaewon-ssi"

"No need to be formal, I'm your friend after all" she smiles then walks towards our table

When we finished eating our lunch, we chit chatted a little bit to kill our time

"Hey, Chaewon?"

"Hm? "

"I was wondering, who did you first fell inlove with?" after she asked that question, I titled my head

"Okay? First of all, I haven't been inlove ever since. Second, I don't know what's the feeling of being inlove and lastly, I'm not interested of falling inlove with someone. That's just a waste of time",

"You sound like Yujin"

"Yujin? Yujin's nothing like me"

"Well, from how you say those.. I can easily tell that being a kind person is not the real you"

"Wait, having no interest of falling inlove is not kind? What's the connection to it? "

"You'll know it soon, Chaewon"

Okay, now you're Irritating me

"Let's go now, Chaewon. Class is about to start"

"Yeah, you go ahead. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" she nodded then left me that quickly

Actually, I'm not going to the bathroom. I'm just gonna go home and plan some things at the basement where people don't know what I'm doing.

I walk down to the basement after i was done locking the door so that no one can disturb me. I open the fridge, revealing some organs from humans that I have killed before. It stinks but yeah, I had to use this for experiment purposes. There are only 3 rooms in the basement. The first room is for my self, which is known as my chilling area. The second room is known as the dungeon, which is where I can torture people there. And lastly, the third room is for my weapons. Pretending to be kind is what I do and it's easy for me to manipulate them.

I entered the dungeon, reveals a naked girl infront of me with full of bruises.

"Ch-chaewon.. Please let m-me g- aacck" I kicked her face so hard with my shoes, full of spikes for her to shut up

"Now.. if you ever make noises again and annoy me. I'll kill you immediately, got it? " she didn't utter a word but just nodded obediently

I smirk "Good girl" then left after saying those, I lock the door to be sure that she won't escape

This time for sure, if I'm attracted to someone.. She will be mine and mine only. If not, then the person she's attracted to... I'll surely kill that person without hesitating.

Who would've think, they'd thought I'm an angel in which they don't know what I am on the inside

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Who would've think, they'd thought I'm an angel in which they don't know what I am on the inside. Fools.

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