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"What are you thinking right now, babe?" Wonyoung asked while Yujin's spacing out of nowhere

"Wha– oh nothing, it's just that I have a feeling something's going to happen in the mean time"

"Is it bad or good?"

"I don't know"

"Awe, don't think negative stuffs, baby. Maybe something won't happen later and it's just a feeling, so let that slide this time. I'm sure of it that it's good news for you"

"I won't expect high"

"Good, then" Wonyoung leans to Yujin's face and tries to kiss her cheek successful and well, she did. Hoping that Yujin won't mind kissing her cheek for the first time

Wonyoung was going to talk again but someone's phone suddenly rang, making her annoyed for interrupting their alone time

"I have to answer this, gotta talk to you later" Yujin, together with her phone, stands up starts to walk out away from her but Wonyoung held her wrist

"Make sure to be back when you're done, okay?"

"Yeah, sure" she walks again, without looking back at Wonyoung


Wonyoung's annoying, I can't help it... Talk about annoying, I wonder who's calling me at a time like this

"Hello?" A familiar feminine voice starts to speak from the phone


"Oh, Yujin?"

"Who's this?"

"It's me, Minju"

"Oh hey, how did you get my number?"

"From Yena" that duck, I told her not to tell someone my personal info

"Aish, what do you want?"

"I heard that you and Wonyoung are dating for a week now"

"And so? Look, if you're just gonna waste my time, I'm gonna end this call"

"No, wait!"


"I know you're just playing with her"

"What? How did yo–"

"Well, duh... You seem some sort of a player"

"Oh really?" I said sarcastically


"What now?!"

"Let's meet by the lake, I know no one's there"

WHAT NO ONE NOTICED [INCOMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now