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I woke up from the sound of silence, I felt something rough was around both of my wrists, it was tied up tightly. I can't escape from this, maybe there's some other way...

'Why am I here again?' I mentally asked myself

I heard something unusual.. something loud that's to be heard of from the echo.. from this empty room. It was chains..

I wasn't indeed scared at all, I'm already used to be in some scary shit situations, if that's what everyone calls..

I was wearing a thick blind fold, obviously can't see anything

"Oh, you're already awake"

That voice



"Of course, not. Why are you doing this to me? Now, our plan for tonight's ruined"

"I don't care about the plan, for today.. I wanna make you suffer.."

"Letting me suffer for no apparent reason? Wonyoung, you can't be that low minded" I mentally rolled my eyes

"You shouldn't have said it unnie"

"Said what?"

"Don't play dumb, you keep saying things about me"

"Pft, such a childish reason"

"I know but I don't care. I'm sensitive, what can you do? You're always fearless unnie, why can't I feel the same way as you do? It's too unfair"

"Wonyo—" she quickly beat me up with those thick chains she has

"Argh- wonnie"

"Say that you're sorry!"

"I would never"

She laugs, lookin' like a crazy person

"You hurt bunny's feelings unnie. Therefore, people who hurt bunny's feelings should be punished"

"You already look like a desperate crazy woman who's about to go nuts, Wonyoung"


She beat me up again and again with her chains... I admit that it hurts but nothing can stop me from being alive because I, infact, am Kim Chaewon..

"Why don't you just apologize hmm?" She seductively says, and gave her a disgusted look

"Not in a million years"

"You were degrading me, telling me I'm weak.. you never know how much I can kill just for you Yujin" she laughed as if she seems evil enough


"Shut up! Don't you know how much I'm longing for Yujin to make her mine? Not until that Minju came, my plan started to ruin"

I mentally smirk

"If only you know, Wonyoung"

"What do I not know?"

"Let's just say... I've been longing for love, comfort and attention for who knows when it started"

"But you've been loved by everyone in the school, can you not see?"

"Except for the two"

"Yujin and Minju?"

"Exactly" I sighed

"I know that Yujin knows I'm pretending"

"Pretending to be what?"

"Pretending to be nice and everything, as if I have no problems at all.." I look down


'Ghad, why am I even telling this to someone'

"But that puppy can see it through me, can see that I'm not that kind of a person. It's just so obvious.. I think she hates people pretending to be someone they're not"

"Has something happened to her in the past that made her hate that kind of stuff?"

"I honestly don't know either"

"Back to your story. Why are you longing though?"

"My father.. that fucking demon..."

"Why? What did he do to you?"

"He'd always hurt me.. I have no childhood just because of him. After my mom died, she became so addicted to hurting me.. saying I look like my mom and that he hates me. He's disowning me"

"But why are you still in his house?"

"I don't even know but one thing's for sure I built something at the basement.. it's uhmm.. actually, it's for people I'd torture and kill"

I look at her and saw her smirking mischievously, I mentally smirk again.. knowing what her idea would be

She sighs

"Fine, I'll set you free.. but first, let's have a deal"

"Go ahead"

"Lemme use your torturing room or whatever you call it- for me to have fun with the people who's been touchy or close with Yujin"

"Mhmm" I nodded

"Then I'll help you out getting Minju.. making her yours and only yours"

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