;;-Twenty two

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"Have I not yet become one with the ducks?" Yena curiously asked as she sips her latte

"You're my duck, silly" As Yuri kisses her lover on the left cheek, making her blush

"Ah- thanks, but I'm serious though"

"No PDA please, respect the singles" the small one demanded

"Wait- why are you even here?" Yujin furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for Nako to answer

"No, nevermind. I don't care" she rolls her eyes and began scanning outside the window but she was met with a smack on her head

"Ow, what did you do that for?" She caresses the back of her head, feeling pain from how the older smacked her head pretty heard

"What's what you get for being disrespectful to your unnie"

"That's already disrespectful? I thought I can do what I want when we're already outside of the campus?"

"No, I'm still your unnie. And disrespecting who's older than you is very wrong"

"Pft, you sound like a mom"

'even though I don't have one anymore, I can still tell she's acting like mother who's scolding her own child' Yujin thought

Once again, Yujin was met with a smack on the head :>>>>

"Seriously though, is that the only thing you can do? Smacking someone who's younger than you? Why don't you smack Yena since she's being annoying" Yujin hissed

"Yah! I'm not annoying! I should call Minju so that you can earn a smack from her too and will get scold by her. You like that, right?" She sarcastically gave the puppy a smile

"N-no" Yujin lowered her voice

"Oh, what is this? The cold Ahn Yujin suddenly seems scared by her own lover?"

"Shut up, Yena"

"Pft, whipped Ahn Yujin. You better give respect to me since I'm the one who took care of you and I'm older than you" she glares

"As if you're not whipped for Yuri" Yena scoffed


I know, I know.. short update pft. My mind isn't working too well for these past few days, sorry.

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