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As for myself walking at the hallway, I noticed that Wonyoung's approaching me.

"What a great way to annoy someone first thing in the morning" I said as I roll my eyes

"Goodmorning, Yujin-ah! Here, I made chocolates for you" then she tries to hand a box full of chocolates from her hand to me

"Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather rip my own flesh than eating your filthy chocolate that's filled with love potion" after I said that, her jaw dropped for seconds and I continue my tracks, not wasting my time on something not so important

Really though, what's up with everyone being inlove? I mean, that's just stupid. They can fall easily inlove with someone within seconds then has to move on for a long time. Makes them look so stupid for just one person

I decided to go to the library where the peace is there and noise is nowhere to be found

I'm picking up something that's something interesting to read but I haven't, most of the book on the shelves are just pretty similar to each other but then again... I saw something that's just lying on the floor. I picked it up and read the title and it's... what the— it's an erotic book and how's this on the floor? since when does the librarian allowing to put some erotic stuff in here?

I was about to return the book back on the shelves but...

"Yujin?" Oh no

"Yujin, what's that book you're holding?" and then again, she spoke

"Holy cow— you're into something erotic now, huh? You could've watch porn than reading it on the boo—" I shut her up using my hand to cover up her mouth

"This is a complete misunderstanding, this was just on the floor and I was about to return it but you suddenly just barge in" I let her breathe because she was turning blue from how I tightened my hand to cover her mouth

She breathes heavily then starts to speak again "but there's no door though, so it's not barging in. Did you meant 'interrupting'?"

I sighed "Apparently, yes"

"So what are you doing here?"

"Nothing to do with you" then I was about to walk away from her when...

"Yujin..." as she grabs my hand

"Get that filthy hand of yours or I'm going to—"

"Going to what, Yujin? You know you can't be that mean person forever, who's threatening mostly everyone when they're wasting your time"

"Says the person who nearly killed my childhood friend"

"Come on, we were just young back then and we were so immature"

"Not we, the only immature person is you. Now let me go 'cause you're just wasting my time"

"Aish, you're always saying that but can you do me a favor?"


"Oh please, Yujin. Just this once and I swear I'll do anything you want me to do"

"Anything, huh?"

"Yes, anything"

"Then go kill yourself" I was about to walk out again but...

"Please, Yujin. The only favor I'd like you to do is stay away from Minju"

"Hmm, not interested"

"But please, I can already sense the Minju already likes you"

"And how the hell did you know?"

"From how she looks at you"

'Tsh, stalker' I mumbled

"Yeah but no" I ran and ran so that she won't be interrupting my peaceful time for myself anymore. Welp, I maybe some big jerk but I cannot let that happen. I know what she's going to do with Minju, just like how she did with my old friend. I'm going to protect her, no matter what. I cannot let that happen anymore, even if it would my life in danger... I just can't let someone die that easily just because of that some obsessed fucker.

Aaaahhh my head again, it's hallucinating me... I need to rest for today, I just can't let this other side of mine be doing some stuff I shouldn't do.

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