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"WHAT THE HELL AR-" before I had to finish what I was going to say, Chaewon covered my mouth... panicky?

"You need to shut your mouth. Remember that we're just following them"

"I can't handle myself if it's-"

"Ah ah ahhh, no excuses"

"Fine, psh"

"I wonder what they're talking about though"


Yujin was the first person I'm inlove with, she might not remember for some reason because it was kind of a long time ago and we had no connections talk to each other. I was also her childhood best friend, she has two childhood best friends. Only Hyewon and me. I remember how Hyewon was nearly killed by Chaewon. Chaewon clearly doesn't remembered Hyewon and I's faces and names. I don't how they all forgotten things about us, I'm just glad that I had to act like a normal person who has not known them yet. Of course, I wouldn't Chaewon because I already knew who she really is. If not then I'm being stupid


"What's love to you, again Yujin?",

"That question... It's always inside and shows up in my head... My visions..."

"You don't remember your answer, do you?"

"Y-yeah ... I just need some time to think, well, what about you?"


"Yeah, did you remember what I really answered?"

"Yes, clearly"

"Really? Tell me, what is it?!"

"Calm down, I can't tell you your own answer"

"Eeehh? Why?"

"It's your only answer and you're the only one who has to remember by effort"

"Effort? I'm too lazy to do it"

"Hahahahaha you're always lazy Ahn Yujin, since we were kids... You still haven't changed"

"What? I do changed!"

"Na ah, even if you act cold and scary, you're still a kid on the inside"

"Ugh, you're annoying sometimes"



"What do you mean when you said that the most important reason is that I'm your ideal type of girl?"

"Because... I love everything about you"

"Oh yeah? And what are those?"

"That's a secret I can never tell" she smirked, gosh that smirk

"YAH YAH! AHN YUJIN, what's with that smirk?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just... Aaaa nothing nothing"

"Yah, you better not think of something dirty. I mean... You're still a minor. Gosh Ahn Yujin, what am I gonna do with you?"

"I ain't doin' anything and you're telling me those kind of stuff? Psh weird"


"Whatever you say, Princess Pepe"

"You still remember that other nickname you always call me?"

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"


The truth is... You're my ideal type of girl because you know how to turn negative things into positive ones, you make me feel comfortable in a way no once can, you always comforted me when I have no one else to rely on, you do things for me even though you're also busy, your eyes are beautiful and I can't do anything but to stare at your eyes all day, your soft lips and bright smile, those soft hair that I want to smell everytime you're near me... I wish I can be with you all day. I'm trying to be distant from everyone who wants to approach me, just for some reason that I can't tell. I don't want them to pity me. But some people are pushing their selves just to be close to me. It's impossible for you to be with me in the end, I can't promise to stay with you because I don't want to break any promises. I always wanted to protect you at the very end but unfortunately I can't. We're running out of time.

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