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"ah! my butt hurts–" I was cut off by my words when I saw the face an unfamiliar girl. She's staring at my face for who knows how long it's gonna take but for some reason, I don't mind her staring.. I felt comfortable at the same time and her eyes were so beautiful. She quickly stood up while saying "Watch where you're going" then immediately run inside the clinic

'I wonder what got her running so fast but what happened was weird' I thought to myself

After I'm done talking with the principal, I bow at him for about 90° then walk out of the room. While I was trying to relax my self, I suddenly remember the girl I had encountered an hour ago. Who is she anyway?

I'm sitting on a bench today and of course, I'm still in school. It's just odd that they have a bench here. While I was waiting for Yuri, the one who said that she'd wait for me here, suddenly became opposite to what she said. 'Ugh, Yuri. Where have you been?' I thought, but the front door of the clinic started to open widely, revealing a pretty yet handsome girl. What's her name?  I'm so curious about this girl. She's so secretly mysterious in a way of being herself. Alot of questions are in my mind but I guess I'll just have to ask Yuri about everything.

"Oh, hi there! Ar you new here?" Hearing an unfamiliar voice, I froze. It's voice was gentle and sweet, not like the others. I turn my head slowly, revealing a female structure who has the same hair color as me. 'She's beautiful' I thought then I shake my head lightly

"Oh, yeah, I am. I was waiting for someone here but haven't showed up–"

"Minju! There you are, where have you been huh? " she ask

"I was just here for how many hours, waiting for you"

"That long? I'm sorry, Nako was really marking her words and– oh, hi Chaewon-ssi!"

"Please, just drop the formality" the other girl who's name was suppose to be Chaewon said

"Ehem, excuse me but can I borrow Yuri? Just for today, I'm just gonna ask her something" another unfamiliar voice was coming from behind me and I startled because it was so sudden of her to talk behind me

"Oh goodness, you startled me" I said while I'm putting my hands on my chest which I really look like I saw a ghost

"Sorry if it was sudden, it's an emergency so I need to talk to Yuri. So, come on now! Hurry!" she grab Yuri's left hand then started to run

"Ooh, something's fishy" I turn my head to the owner of the voice then I realized that we're the only two left

"Uhm pardon me but can you show me where my class is?"

"Oh yeah, since Yuri had things to do right now, so I'll be the one who's gonna tour you here during lunch, sounds good to you?"


"So let me see your class schedule then" I open my bag then gave her my schedule, then after that "Oh? So we're in the same class with Yuri. That's good"

"Really?" then I cover my mouth immediately because my voice was to loud

"Yeah HAHAHA hey, you know you're pretty" she said while smiling at me

"Well it's not gonna surprise me anymore if anyone's gonna tell me that. I'm already used to it"

"Oh okay" after she said those words, I can clearly see her slightly disappointment face

"Yah! What are you disappointed about?"

"Huh? I'm not disappointed of anything"

"Well your face is showing how disappointed you are"

"Fine, fine. I am disappointed but just a little bit though"

"So what's it about"

"Oh no, it's nothing that you should know" then she smirks

"Yaahh yaahh! What's with that smirk? And why can't you tell meeee? Does it have something to do with me"

"Probably and probably not" I pouted out of nowhere because she doesn't want me to know, but my mind has a brilliant idea. I want to see her blush for the first time

"Yah!" I called her


"You're beautiful"

"I know right"

"Pfft, how can you not blush to that when a pretty girl is calling you beautiful? "

"It's because–"

"I like you" I immediately said that to her before she can finish her sentence, then after that she blushed. I smirk while knowing my mission has completed.

"Wait, where are you going Chaewon-ah?"
I called her but she didn't respond, she just run faster. I have no choice but to chase her too

"YAAAHH CHAEWON!" She stops running then realizing that she's inside a classroom.

"Hey, is this an unused classroom? " I ask

"Yeah, no one's using it" after that, she smirk

"Hey, what's your name again?" She ask

"Minju.. Kim Minju, please to meet you"

"Please to meet you too" then I turn my head around, seeing a beautiful Sakura tree outside.. It's beautiful

While I was busy staring at the Sakura tree, I startled for the second time as someone hugs behind my back

"C-chaewon unnie?" I called her awkwardly

"No need to be awkward, Minmin. I've been waiting for you"

"What? Waiting? Have we met before? "

"No, but I've been waiting for the right girl for me and I can sense that it's you"

"What are you talking about, Chaewon-ah?" After I said her name for the last time, she quickly turn my body infront of her then she stares into my eyes for who knows how long. I started to stare at hers to and it was indeed beautiful, but after that.. I remember that girl I had encountered hours ago. My thoughts was cut off when I just noticed something soft was on my lips, reality came back and I saw that Chaewon's kissing me softly and sweet. It's like time has gotten slow when she connected our lips together. 

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