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"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what? To drink?"

"Idiot, I meant the plan"

"Oh, right"

"Stop being an airhead already"

I'm not...

But atleast...

Not for now


"Yudaeennggg" I cling on to her as I call her name

"Hmm, yes Minmin?" She asked, looking at me... Waiting for me to answer her

"I have a plan about something"

"What is it?" She questions me with a serious-looking face

"It's about-




There's no sign of her

I have to activate my tracking device


Why isn't it working?!


And after I started walking again...

My sight just turned into black...

Nothing to see

Is this the end for me? For us?


"Guys! Let's play spin the bottle"

"Everyone should join too, a party pooper's gonna get a consequence if they don't join"

"Yeah, yeah. You too Yena, I bet you're still shy around Yuri and pretend that everything's normal" oh shit, I can't back down now

"W-what? Nooo, I'm not a wuss"

"Pft, we already know you won't join"

"What? Heck no, I'd join for something fun"

"Fine, fine. Guys let's all circle around"

And after that we all gathered, not knowing that Yuri's just in front of me... my heart was suddenly beating so fast, she looks so pretty as always.

The bottle is already spinning slowly and slowly.. then it landed to... Yuri

"Oohhh, Yuri huh" Hyewon said- wait, why's she- no, wait.. nvm. I have my own problem here and I already know what their gonna do with her and who will be involve with that dare, I mean ... It's already obvious, right?

"Guys we shouldn't waste this dare" Yiren said and I am like.. 'wtf is she gonna do with that dare?', I bet she'd gonna make Yuri do somethin' dirty with someone

"Oh I know what we should dare her" Hyewon said as she smirks... DAMN IT

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