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'Yena's cute though, I mean.. how can she not notice that I like her? I'm too obvious and yet she— nevermind, the dare is my chance for me to talk to her ALONE' I thought while emphasizing the word

"Yena!" Yiren screams, calling out to her name, ready to give her the dare that needs be done

"Y-yeah?" Yena nervously answers

"I dare you..." Yiren smirks, looking at me with evil eyes,

'oh, no' I thought

"I DARE YOU TO DO THE 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN WITH YURI!" Yiren shouted, as I had my eyes widen.. not knowing what to do, if I have to perform the dare she's been given or not

"Wait, what's that?" Yena asks curiously

'Awe, she's so innoc— wait, THE DARE IS STILL MY PROBLEM'

Hyewon went to Yena and whispered her something, maybe it's about what to do with the dare..

After Hyewon went back to where she sat, I look at Yena, who's already blushing crimson red

'Yep, it was the dare'

"You two gonna do it or not?" Yiren excitedly asks

"B-but—" Yena was about to talk but I cut her off

"Come on, Yena-ssi" I went to her and grabs her hand without hesitation. People around us are suddenly screaming..

"MY SHIP IS SAILING!" Hyewon joins as she is also busy eating her food

"W-wait! Are you serious?" Yena asks, I look at her, seeing an innocent duck with her eyes widen

"Do you think I'm joking?" I said with a serious face, even though I was about to have a gay panic

I dragged her to the bed room where we have to do the dare. I look at Yena first, seeing her very nervous

"You don't have to be nervous, Yena" I put my pointer finger on her chin as I whispered it seductively near her ear. 'That's right, I think it's turning her on right now' I smirk at the thought of it

"Stop it, Yuri" she seriously says, which made me startle a little bit

"W-why?" I look at her eyes, damn it.. I'm falling even harder—

"You don't have to act like this"

"Act what?"

"Tough and all, it's not like you"

"Then what was I like then? I'm just doing the dare"

"You're just forced, huh?"

"I never said I was—"

"Nah, you don't have to lie. I can't even understand my self why I like you"


"It's okay, I'll just go back and tell them I can't do it. I'd rather be called a wuss than to force you with these stuff.. I respect you"
She says as she opens the door who was about to leave. I quickly grab her hand and pulls her inside, I push her to the bed and pins her on it

"Listen you duck, don't keep saying nonsense stuff that isn't even real. I mean, I'm just acting like I don't care and all but do you even know what I really feel inside? Can you even tell what I'm saying inside my heart and my head? I keep avoiding you because I'm afraid I'd fall in love with you even deeper! You're dangerous from the start, how can you even be so cute? It hurts to see you with another person, I'm jealous! I want to be with you 24/7, your eyes are so pretty and it's so distracting, you're so dense for not knowing what I really feel when everything I've done in the past is so obvious. I'm in love with you from the very beginning, Yena. I'm in love with you for so many years but you're too stupid to notice it—" I was about to finish but she suddenly pulls me and our lips crash, my eyes widens but feeling her lips made me calm so I kisses her back

She pulls away from the kiss after minutes had passed "Idiot, you didn't know that I'm in love with you ever since I saw you, the day when you still haven't met me, not until they told you" she chuckles and sighs

"I guess we're both stupid, huh?" she continues


"Hm?" I replied

"Tell me, why do you love me?"


[A/N: okay, I'm sleepy and I'm out of words now. Tried to come up with what they'll do for a month like wtf. So yeah, I'm such a lazy author who has no talent for writing stories, I guess? Eh, don't care if you don't like my story. Suit yourself]

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