Two - Breakfast Time

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I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs, stopping at the bottom, as per usual, I could smell food, nearly always, when I got to the living room area of the house, or anywhere even remotely near it, I could smell something. Food, coffee, it always smelt good. I skipped into the kitchen and over to the table, pulling out a seat and sitting, while doing that, my mom placed a plate of pancakes in front of me, along with a knife, fork and syrup.

I smiled up at her, quickly tucking into my pancakes. So soft, so yummy, and so nice. My mom's pancakes were always the best. They always beat every other pancakes that i'd ever tried. I'd asked her numerous times how she had learned to cook, and she'd never answered. She'd always shrug it off with a smile.

"Did you sleep okay, honey?"

My mom said from the opposite side of the table, where she sat, sipping at her coffee. I nodded, finishing off the last bit of my final pancake. I poured myself some orange juice, and took a long sip, before speaking to her,

"I did, thank you. Andre told me something earlier."

I said, a slight frown on my face. I had to admit, I was slightly worried about Jade. I've been into fights, but I never won, I always ended up coming home with cracked ribs, or a bruised nose. Worst case, it had been a broken wrist.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

My mom set down her coffee, but she kept her hands on the cup. Something she always did, regardless of the weather and the temperature in the house.

"Well, Andre told me there's a girl at the school, called Jade."

My mom nodded her head, beckoning me to continue while she listened intently.

"He said she's the school bully. Apparently she's a bit of a character."

I looked at my mom, as she crossed her arms, sighing.

"Well, Tori, that's school. There's going to be all sorts of people. That's just life. But, if you're that worried about it, there's a guidance counselor called Lane. He can help. He did help Trina for a while..."

She flashed me a quick smile, but I could see it in her eyes that she was upset. She got up from her seat and headed over to the front door, picking up her car keys from the little bowl on the coffee table on the way to the door.

"Go grab the rest of your stuff, and we'll make a move. See if you can catch Lane before first lesson."

I nodded, pushing my chair back as I stood up. I ran up the stairs, heading straight into my room. I picked up my black messenger bag. My bag was torn in numerous places. First tear was right on the inside, at the bottom. All of my books fell out, and unfortunately into a puddle. It was humiliating to say the least. Second tear was the handle. I managed to fix the bag, I didn't want a new one. This one had too many memories.

I traveled back downstairs and over to the front door. I grabbed my headphones out of the left side pocket of my jeans, and plugged them into my phone. I put one earphone in my ear, and the other I tucked into my shirt pocket. I pressed play and smiled as Centuries by Fall Out Boy came on. My favorite song.

Some legends are told,

Some turn to dust or to gold,But you will remember me,Remember me for centuries,

And just one mistake,

Is all it will take,We'll go down in history,Remember me for centuries.

I walked out of the house, locking the door after me, and climb into the passenger side of my mom's car. She put on her seat belt, making sure it clicked into the lock and I did the same. She stuck the keys in the engine and turned them to the right. The engine shuddered to life, and we're off. Towards the school.

The moment we pulled out of our drive, I started to worry.

Do people at school know about Trina? 

Do they know I'm her sister? Will they question me?

My moms voice drags me out of my thoughts.

"It'll be okay, sweetie. Trust me."

I nod, sinking into my seat as we drive to the school. After a while, we pull up at the school gates, and I unbuckled my seat belt, resting my hand on the door handle. My mom turned and looked at me.

"Tori, it'll be fine. I promise. If you need anything my phone will be on all day. So, just call or text."

She smiled, as she leaned over and kissed my cheek gently.

"I love you."

I flashed her a half smile as I got out of the car. I shut the car door, carefully as not to slam it, and made my way up, towards the school. Through the gates, and up the stairs.

Andre wanted me to meet him at the lockers.

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